Say it with me, Brothers and Sisters: Drifty RAWKS!
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner. Liberty is a well-armed lamb disputing the outcome." --(Attributed to) Benjamin Franklin
The little parish school in St. Amant, Louisiana, planned all year for their kids' field-trip down to the Chalmette Battlefield, where Andy Jackson and the tigers from the bayous defeated the British Army in the famed "battle of New Orleans." They even chartered a little riverboat for the trip. Everything was fine, til, on the way back home, they encountered a fog bank and didn't see--and weren't seen by--a towboat rig gliding down river. The towboat and the little riverboat collided, and the little boat started to settle in the water. The skipper shouted to the crew to abandon ship. One of the nuns ran up to the skipper, begging him: "The children? What about the children?" to which the skipper replied: "You heard me. Abandon ship! Fuck the children."
Whereat the priest was heard to muse: "You think there's time?"
Women:As for the sources, mostly 50 years or so of first-hand experience: "the hard way."
"Most" women will tell you they love you just as you are, and then spend their lives--and yours--trying to change you. Let 'em.
You'll never get "credit" with your spouse for doing the right thing or not doing the wrong one. So don't ask.
If a woman tells you she's done with you, there's no point in arguing; just pack your grip and go.
Everybody knows the words that will end it, if that's what you want. Just say 'em.
You are responsible for preventing procreation if you do not wish the responsibility of reproducing.
Don't mix fermented and distilled booze.
Avoid sweet drinks, cuz they're most likely to result in hangovers.
After heavy drinking, try to take a good, healthy dump before retiring, cuz it reduces the morning-after discomfort.
Chuggin' 8oz of warm, flat 7-up will take care of the rest.
Family:"They fuck you up, your mom and dad
They may not mean to, but they do.
They fill you with the faults they had
And add some extra, just for you.
But they were fucked up in their turn
By fools in old-style hats and coats,
Who half the time were soppy-stern
And half at one another's throats.
Man hands on misery to man
It deepens like a coastal shelf.
Get out as early as you can
And don't have any kids yourself."
(by Philip Larkin)
Never play poker with anybody named "Doc."
Never shoot pool for money with anybody named "Fats."
Never play ANYBODY ANYTHING for money on their own personal equipment.
Bet your money, learn to lose.
Blue eyes, fair hair: there is no such thing as too much sun-screen.
There's only one sure way to look good in a hat: you gotta THINK you look good in a hat.
A gentleman should be known for the quality of his intoxicants and his generosity with them.
There's no such thing as an outside joke.
And remember, always:The fix is always in:
The deal's gone down;
The game is cooked;
The dice are loaded;
The wheels are rigged;
The decks are marked, shaved, and stacked;
The dealers ALL cheat,
And the chefs spit in the souffle...
That's just how it is.
David Edwards and Muriel KaneFormer Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul has declined to endorse either John McCain or Barack Obama, and he told CNN's Kiran Chetry on Thursday that he sees "no difference" between them because both espouse foreign policies that only create more threats to our national interests.
Published: Thursday August 28, 2008
Chetry asked Paul, "Do you think it's a valid argument ... that a John McCain administration would be a four-year extension of the Bush administration?"
"Sure, but I think that's what's going to happen with Obama, too," Paul replied. "There's no difference."
"Their foreign policies are identical," Paul explained. "They want more troops in Afghanistan. They want to send more support to Georgia to protect the oil line there. Neither one says bring home the troops from Iraq from the bases -- you know the bases are going to stay there, the embassy as big as the Vatican, that's going to remain. So their foreign policies are exactly the same. They're both very, very aggressive with Iran. So I would say there's no difference."
"How would you handle these global threats, then, if it's not to send our troops there and make sure that we're protected?" Chetry asked.
"We create the threats!" Paul replied emphatically. "Why are we on the borders of Russia provoking the Russians? I mean, the Georgians initiated the military attack against these enclaves where there were mostly Russians. ... It's the fact that we're over there that we create these crises."
"Isn't it part of our duty, though, to support these fledgling democracies that ask for our help?" asked Chetry.
"No, it's not our responsibility to do that," Paul said firmly. "We should endorse the principle but not send troops and money. ... Once we get over there, we just aggravate the situation."
"We (Clenis) bombed Serbia in order for Kosovo to become independent," Paul concluded. "Now the Russians are doing the same thing. ... It's this total inconsistency."
This video is from CNN's American Morning, broadcast August 28, 2008.
"A United Nations team has found 'convincing evidence' that 90 civilians, including 60 children, were killed in US-led air strikes last week, the body's representative in Afghanistan said Tuesday. The UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) human rights team was sent to the western province of Herat after local claims that scores of civilians were killed in Friday's strikes."Ground forces don't generally kill 90+ folks from indavertence. So, ya figger the victims were killed by un-manned drones 'flown' from computers at JPL in Pasadena? Or by US tactical fighters--f-15s probably--flying out of Bagram AB: this generation of John McCains?
by PETER SVENSSON, AP Technology Writer
Fri Aug 22, 10:36 AM ET
NEW YORK - Three months ago, Guy Distaffen switched Internet providers, lured from his cable company to his phone company by a year of free service on a two-year contract. But soon the company quietly updated its policies to say it would limit his Internet activity each month.
We felt that were suckered," said Distaffen, who lives in the small village of Silver Springs in upstate New York.
The phone company, Frontier Communications Corp., is one of several Internet service providers that are moving to curb the growth of traffic on their networks, or at least make the subscribers who download the most pay more.
This could have consequences not just for consumers — who would have to learn to watch how much data their Internet use entails — but also for companies that hope to make the Internet a conduit for movies and other content that comes in huge files.
Cable companies have been at the forefront of imposing and talking about usage caps, because their lines are shared between households. Frontier's announcement is noteworthy because it is a phone company — and it is matching a seemingly low ceiling set by a main cable rival: just 5 gigabytes per month, the equivalent of about 3 DVD-quality movies.
"We go through that in a week," Distaffen said. "If they start enforcing the caps we're going to have to change service." Other subscribers on Broadbandreports.com, where the cap was first reported, echoed his feelings.
But since the other option for wired broadband in the village is Time Warner Cable Inc., switching providers isn't necessarily going to get Distaffen away from a bandwidth cap. The cable company is trying out a 5-gigabyte traffic cap for new users in Beaumont, Texas. Every gigabyte above that costs $1. More expensive plans have higher caps — at $54.90 per month, the allowance is 40 gigabytes. Depending on the results of the trial, Time Warner Cable may apply the same pricing structure elsewhere.
Frontier's biggest market is in Rochester, N.Y., where it competes with Time Warner Cable.
"This isn't really an issue that's just going to be about Frontier," said Philip Dampier, a Rochester-based technology writer who is campaigning to get Frontier to back off its plans. "Virtually every broadband provider has been suddenly discovering that there's this so-called `bandwidth crisis' going on in the United States."
John McCain is soaring to new heights of hypocrisy on his wife's personal jet. He flies around the country bent on duping the public into believing he's "one of them," a regular guy who can empathize with Americans facing an overwhelming economic crush. What's more, he disparages those who oppose his ridiculous policy proposals as "elitist." But who's the real elitist?Pass it along.
The REAL McCain is a multimillionaire who owns ten luxurious homes. The REAL McCain backs President Bush's tax cuts for big corporations. The REAL McCain empathizes only with the interests of our nation's wealthy minority, not its money-strapped majority. But far too many are buying into McCain's deceit because the corporate press won't present the whole picture, so we created this video to educate the public about the REAL McCain.
Together, you have been a force in making sure The REAL McCain videos have been seen by nearly 6.5 million people. But as Frank Rich noted in his NY Times column yesterday, 40% of Americans hear too little about McCain from the mainstream media, meaning "the public doesn't know who on earth John McCain is." That's why it's crucial you ensure this video is seen by as many as possible, and that we use each and every tool at our disposal to get the word out. Send this on to five friends and family members, and tell them to send it to five people they know. Get it to your local news outlets and blogs and networking sites like Digg. Raise hell about McCain's economic duplicity!
AFL-CIO President John Sweeney summed it up best when he said McCain "simply doesn't understand the challenges America's working families are facing because he isn't remotely affected by them." It's up to us to tell people who McCain really is, a personal jet-setting elitist more concerned with corporate lobbyists than hard-working Americans.
With today's publication in the Federal Register of the proposed changes in how the ESA is administered, the thirty-day period for public comment officially begins.I also favor "spiking" in timber forests, too...just sayin'
Their heading is Interagency Cooperation Under the Endangered Species Act. Aww, isn't that cute? Who could possibly oppose cooperation?
You can comment here. But you only get thirty days. Please note as well your comment will be flushed if it does not include an address.
For a detailed look at the effect of these changes, see Bush Knows New Endangered Species Rule Illegal, the CBD, the NWF, etc.
The bottom line here is the removal of science from the process. Roadbuilders, dredgers, and mining experts, revolving door political appointees all, will be presumed to know more about the natural histories and habitat requirements of our flora and fauna than biologists who have spent their entire lives studying them.
A lot of your posts are flame bait. Or they express violence. We'd prefer not to moderate your posts, but it makes more work for us when we don't-or can.
I did not put you in the auto mod queue, but the site monitor who did said "It was me who put woody in mod. Too offensive. Maybe he'll get the hint."
I know you may have a different view of what is offensive than we do, but we're the ones that have to clean up after the fights.
If you can post without being a problem, we can put your comments right through.
C&L Site Team
"...Vicki Iseman was thrust into the media and campaign spotlight, after a New York Times story suggested that she and Sen. John McCain had a close relationship that may have been romantic, but was also problematic for other reasons: Iseman, the site notes, secured a job at the firm Alcalde and Fay only a few months after graduation, mostly for secretarial work. Soon thereafter, however, she began moving up the employment ranks. And eight years after she started, she became the youngest partner at Alcalde. Her clients included PAXtv, Religious Voices in Broadcasting, Telemundo, the Hispanic Broadcasting Corporation, and Computer Sciences Corporation..Seems odd that the fella named John who ISN'T still a candidate for the 'Preznincy' has been forced to cop to an affair, while the smarmy, shitty,lying, murderous, little (he's only 5'7") cheat gets a free pass, innit?[Iseman] had been turning up with him at fund-raisers, visiting his offices and accompanying him on a client's corporate jet. Convinced the relationship had become romantic, some of his top advisers intervened to protect the candidate from himself -- instructing staff members to block the woman's access, privately warning her away and repeatedly confronting him, several people involved in the campaign said on the condition of anonymity.
When news organizations reported that Mr. McCain had written letters to government regulators on behalf of the lobbyist's client, the former campaign associates said, some aides feared for a time that attention would fall on her involvement
In late 1999, Ms. Iseman asked Mr. McCain's staff to send a letter to the commission to help Paxson, now Ion Media Networks, on another matter. Mr. Paxson was impatient for F.C.C. approval of a television deal, and Ms. Iseman acknowledged in an e-mail message to The Times that she had sent to Mr. McCain's staff information for drafting a letter urging a swift decision.
Mr. McCain complied. He sent two letters to the commission, drawing a rare rebuke for interference from its chairman. In an embarrassing turn for the campaign, news reports invoked the Keating scandal, once again raising questions about intervening for a patron.
Historical fact: The last of the American racists (I believe it was Jesse Helms) died in July, pushing America from 99.9999999999% to 100% pure non-racist. We’re whiter cleaner than Ivory-fncking-soap now.So where do people come up with these ridiculous observations?
Obama’s statement yesterday about Republican scare tactics is merely the latest in a string of statements in which he suggests that certain Americans are intrinsically racist, and those Americans aren’t just confined to political opponents.. Oh, here? Oh, dat 'splainz evver't'in, Lucy!
The man with a serious chance to become the nation's first black president argues that government should instead combat the legacy of slavery by improving schools, health care and the economy for all.Right! Ummmm. He's about half-black, so he doesn't really HAVE to "pander" to black voters. Presumably, they're already mostly on his side, I bet. This is a plain and simple pander to the far more numerous "white" voter. Always A Good Plan.
"I have said in the past — and I'll repeat again — that the best reparations we can provide are good schools in the inner city and jobs for people who are unemployed," the Illinois Democrat said recently.
Some two dozen members of Congress are co-sponsors of legislation to create a commission that would study reparations — that is, payments and programs to make up for the damage done by slavery.
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People supports the legislation, too. Cities around the country, including Obama's home of Chicago, have endorsed the idea, and so has a major union, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees.
Obama has worked to be seen as someone who will bring people together, not divide them into various interest groups with checklists of demands. Supporting reparations could undermine that image and make him appear to be pandering to black voters.
By MARY FOSTER, Associated Press Writer
NEW ORLEANS - The judge overseeing the criminal cases for the remaining Jena Six defendants was removed against his will Friday for makingquestionable("amazingly fucking prejudicial", Ed.) remarks about the teenagers.
Judge J.P. Mauffray Jr., ("a fucking cracker asshole from the deep piney woods," Ed.) had acknowledged calling the teens "trouble makers" and "a violent bunch" (publically, and privately, "a gang of vicious jungle-bunnies," Ed.) but insisted he could be impartial. Defense attorneys disagreed and asked that ("that fascist, cracker moron," Ed.) Mauffray be removed.
Judge Thomas M. Yeager, who was appointed by the state Supreme Court to decide whether ("that fascist asshole," Ed.) Mauffray should be taken off the case, found there was an appearance of impropriety ("And because he's a vicious, racist dickhead," Ed.)
"The right to a fair and impartial judge is of particular importance in the present cases," Yeager wrote. ("This racist cracker can't even spell 'impartial," Ed.)
Six black teens were arrested and initially charged with attempted murder and conspiracy to commit murder in connection with a December 4, 2006, attack on fellow Jena High School student Justin Barker, who is white ("and was one of the white cracker/dickheads who prompted the initial racial incidents." Ed.) The charges were later reduced ("to watch your fucking mouth, honkie fuck!" Ed.)
Jesse Ray Beard, Robert Bailey Jr., Carwin Jones, Bryant Purvis and Theo Shaw now face aggravated second-degree battery charges. Beard is charged as a juvenile.
Mychal Bell is the only member of the group that has been ("rail-roaded," Ed). He was originally charged as an adult with attempted murder ("for allegedly hitting the white punk with a tennis shoe." Ed). The charge was reduced before a ("All-white", Ed.) jury convicted him last June of aggravated second-degree battery.
In September, an appeals court overturned the verdict and ordered Bell tried as a juvenile. He pleaded guilty to a juvenile charge of second-degree battery. He now lives in Monroe, La., with a foster family and is attending school.
Bell's attorney Louis Scott said he would also ask to have ("that fascist asshole," Ed.) Mauffray removed from Bell's case. Although Bell's plea will remain unchanged, Scott said he did not want ("that fascist asshole," Ed.)Mauffray to oversee the teen's probation. ("I wouldn't trust the possum-brained, redneck motherfucker than I could throw him.") Ed.)
The case aggravated racial tensions in the tiny, central Louisiana town, and led to a massive civil rights demonstration last September.
Mauffray was out of town ("at a Klan meeting," Ed., court officials said, and would not comment on the ruling.
("Another local, cracker dickhead," Ed.) District Attorney Reed Walters said he may appeal the decision. ("Walters allegedly told the defendants that if they didn't plead, he'd fuck 'em up," Ed.)
"Whatever ultimately happens concerning the judge, this does not mean these cases go away," he said. "It will just take longer to get them to trial. However, I may seek to have the decision overturned." ("I told these kneegrows I would fuck with them and now I will," he said... Ed.)
An attorney for Beard said he hoped it the Louisiana Supreme Court would quickly appoint a new judge to hear the remaining cases.
"Everyone is entitled to a fair judge, not the judge they want," attorney David Utter said. "It mystifies me why the district attorney would fight this." ("Unless he's a cracker dickhead?" Ed.)