In the discussion surrounding that landmark act, an incredibly, unspeakably vile piece o' shit from North Carolina, one Rep. Virginia Foxx (R.-N.C.), an opponent of all such legislation, claimed that the 1998 execution-style murder of Shepherd, a gay university student, by a couple of drunk "cowboys" near Laramie, WY, was not a "hate-crime" but rather was "just a robbery gone horribly wrong" and that the 'hate-crime' ASPECT of the story was a "hoax." Her word.
When the story blew up on the blogs, she hastily retreated from the 'hoax' word, but maintained she still didn't regard the killing as a 'hate-crime.' She also issued an apology to Shepherd's family:
"I am especially sorry if his grieving family was offended by my statement," she added."if"?
That's not an apology, you vile, vicious vilifying slag.
It is, rather, a perfect paradigm of the classic "not apologizing for shit" apology perfected over the last eight years--but really since Nixon--by a parade of shit-head politicians, mainly on the Right, who have managed to offend sensibilities and then glibly pass off their bias with a brisk statement that always contains the word "if."
There's nothing I can write--no curse, no profanity, no invective, no expletive, nothing--which would do justice to my revulsion, disgust, and gut-sickness that I have to breathe the same air as this feculent, reeking, dripping, foul, stupid, self-righteous, self-pitying excrescence of a 'woman.'
I wouldn't trust myself in the same room with her.
Her contention was belied by testimony in the trial, when one of the killers tried to invoke "gay-panic" in his own defense.

I've lived in the west most of my life, and I recognized--as any westerner would--one particular signal the killers sent which stated their intent more clearly than any words: They strung/slung/nailed their victim's body across a stock-fence. This is the way the knuckle-dragging, slobbering rancher contingent disposes of the carcasses of the 'varmints'--coyotes, wolves, etc--they kill.
They claim it 'sends a message' to other critters..