Sunday, October 12, 2008

From FAUX On-Line, A Reeking, Festering, Oozing Puddle of Virtual Cess

"What Will You Do If The Election Is Stolen?".

You should read the comments only if you have not eaten recently. Disgusting doesn't put a patch on it...

In fact, you probably shouldn't link there at all. You'll immediately feel the need to bathe, which could upset your whole weekly schedule. It did mine...


Anonymous said...

I didn't click the link, and that took a lot of courage out of this curious moderate one.

Could you give me a sample though what there has been said? A very very small sample please, I am in a semi good mood.

Woody (Tokin Librul/Rogue Scholar/ Helluvafella!) said...

Angela, dahlin, there's near 1600 comments on the thread...9 outta 10 are the ravings of people you wouldn't want to share a public washroom with...Me? I provide the link, you gotta go there yourself,o r else you'd think I was 'shit-pickin'...