Monday, January 14, 2008

Kill Bush?

Ben Metcalf, writing in Harper's Magazine in the month after the resignation of the irreplaceable Lewis Lapham, posed the dilemma this way:
"Am I allowed to write that I would like to hunt down George W. Bush, the president of the United States, and kill him with my bare hands?"
The answer becomes all the more poignant, as the Bushevik "residency" circles the toilet-bowl of it's own history more and more tightly, and the temptation of the incumbent to finish the job for which he was installed--to undermine, wealen, and dissolve as thoroughly as possible, every single institution and instrument of democratic self-government standing between the Corporats complete pre-emption of civil society--increases with every passing day.

If we are to judge by facts--Metcalf is still at liberty, not in Secret Service custody, or under indictment--the answer is "yes, you may write that you "I would like to hunt down George W. Bush, the president of the United States, and kill him with my bare hands."

It's a pretty subtle and nuanced piece, and I heartily recommend it to any and all who harbor the most malevolent thoughts about the criminal, cowardly, smirking little shit-weasel, President George W. Bush!

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