Monday, January 14, 2008

Here's Good Fucking news: The Opus Dei SCROTUS Wants You To Die Begging In Pain For Jesus' Tender Fucking Mercies.

No right to experimental drugs for dying patients: Supreme Court
AFP (Published: Monday January 14, 2008)
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Terminally ill patients have no constitutional right to gain access to experimental drugs that have yet to win federal approval, the US Supreme Court ruled Monday.

The top court refused to hear a case brought by the Abigail Alliance for Better Access to Developmental Drugs, which accuses the government's Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of violating the legal rights of the patients.

As is customary when the court declines to take up a case, the nine justices gave no explanation of their reasoning.

The decision let stand an August ruling by the federal appeals court in Washington, which said the FDA was right to refuse access to drugs that have yet to go through the lengthy process of clinical trials.

"Although terminally ill patients desperately need curative treatments ... their deaths can certainly be hastened by the use of a potentially toxic drug with no proven therapeutic benefit," the appeals court had said.

Steven Walker, who co-founded the Abigail Alliance in 2001, had urged the Supreme Court to give patients suffering incurable disease a legal redress against the "unelected, tenured career bureaucrats" of the FDA.

"The majority opinion of the appeals court suggested that this is an issue for Congress to solve. A great idea if one has a full lifetime to work on it," he wrote Friday in a Wall Street Journal opinion piece.

"The framers (of the US constitution) understood that the pursuit of life is an inalienable right that should not be abridged without due process of law."
Five fucking Catholics. Five fucking Catholics...How did there ever get to be FIVE FUCKING CATHOLICS on the US Supreme Court? [Via]

All this shit is being marvelously camouflaged behind the screen of competing rhetorics of race and gender, isn't it? The primaries! Who's watching the SCROTUS? Fuck the SCROTUS...

If there is one thing for which the Republic may always bless the Busheviks, it would HAVE to be their provision of irrebuttable evidence that the vaunted, olympian, irreproachable Supreme Court of the United States Of (fucking) AMERICA is just as corrupt and as susceptible to political skullduggery and back-scratching quid-pro-quo-ism as any hick, boon-docks, redneck, hijacking speedin' court anywhere in west Texas (I was thinking of Monahans, but that's another story.).

Figger there's any connection? Nahhhhh...too conspiratorial...they're not smart enough to pull of sumpin that complicated...It's okay...Really, it is...

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