Saturday, November 17, 2007

The "Intelligence" Bill Reported Out Of Senate Judiciary WITHOUT 'Immunity'

...also drops the requirement that the Fascist Fux in Govt get a warrant to spy domestically.

What the rosy red FUCK izzat about? Is this a a typical Dumbofuck 'negotiation?' A trade-off to get a Bill, any bill, to the chimp for his "X" before February?

The Government Must Get A Fucking Warrant, issued by competent fucking authority, to spy on ANY-fucking-BODY...Chuy en menudo! WTF is so hard about that. They ABSOLUTELY MUST GET A FUCKING WARRANT, and from a Court--rememember, the THIRD (separable) part of Government--not the DOJ or some intelligence agency flunky. A FUCKING COURT!!!

Why is this so hard for people to understand. THE GOVERNMENT MUST HAVE A WARRANT if it means to intrude into your privacy. That means 'probable cause,' and a whole buncha other legalese.

All of which is necessary for the preservation of our liberties under the (rapidly dissolving in the fascist shitstorm) Constitution!

Say it again, with me: The Fucking Government Must Have FUCKING Warrant

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