Sunday, November 18, 2007

Fucking Japanese Whaling Fleet Sails For Antarctic to Kill 1,000 Whales

Where's a good, cheap, used U-boat when you need one?
TOKYO, Nov 18 (Reuters) - A Japanese whaling fleet left on Sunday for an expedition activists say will for the first time target humpbacks, a perennial favourite among whale-watchers.

The Nisshin Maru, the 8,000-tonne flagship of Japan's whaling fleet, left Shimonoseki port for the Antarctic along with catcher boats around midday, environmental group Greenpeace said, adding that others in the fleet were expected to follow soon.The fleet aims to catch more than 1,000 whales before returning to port early next year, Greenpeace has said.


Among these are some 50 fin whales, which environmentalists say are endangered, and 50 humpbacks, which are favourites of whale-watchers for their distinctive silhouettes and acrobatic leaps from the water.

The remainder of the catch will consist of minke whales, which Japan says are now abundant enough to take.

The departure of the fleet was postponed to Sunday from the originally scheduled date of Nov. 15 to avoid causing friction during a meeting between Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda and U.S. President George W. Bush that took place on Friday, Greenpeace said.

Japan argues that its whaling programme helps the understanding of whale stocks and species, and fisheries officials in the past protested the activities of environmental organisations.

Japan abandoned its last Antarctic whale-hunting season earlier this year after fire crippled the Nisshin Maru, killing one crew member. That expedition netted a haul of around 500 whales. (Reporting by Naomi Tajitsu; Editing by John Chalmers)

Note the fucking euphemism "catch?" Sounds pretty benign, doesn't it. Makes you think of "catch and release," like it's some kind of fucking Whales Unlimited, or something. Lying shitwhistles. They're just gonna kill whales and sell the meat.

Here's what you do and how you do it: Approach 'em on the surface, give 'em plenty of warning and time to abandon the fucking ships, then sink the fuckers, BAG AND BAGGAGE. Shouldn't take more than one torpedo, or mebbe just a couple of 40mm cannon rounds, right at the waterline... Just blow'em the fuck right under the water.

And if they don't wanna abandon their murderous mission, and if a coupla the 'hunters' got killed, well whaling was always a dangerous occupation...We can mourn 'em later.

Or not!

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