Friday, May 31, 2013

TBGO:According to Plan...

Actual Malice: We mistake them badly when we impute some lack or shortcoming to their activities. What we mistake as incompetence is actually malice. They--the paid minions and satraps of the Oligarchs and Plutocrats--are intentionally sabotaging the efficient and orderly functioning of the popular sovereignty of the Murkin people. It it were being done by folks with "foreign" features--the asiatic fold, say; or very dark skin--"we'd" be up in arms. It's not immaturity, it's not stupidity, it's not inability, it's not any lack or absence. It's intentional. They MEAN to do it. They WANT to poison the people on their own self-government by corrupting, toxifying, polluting it so thoroughly that "we" want nothing to do with it, and will willingly--hell, GLADLY--concede the whole dirty business (along with the treasury, and the military) to the management of corporate boardrooms. It's working...

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