Tuesday, March 5, 2013

TBGO: TBGO, Baaah-di-baah-di-Beee: A Rant; Recherchez; Sen. Yertle Prospers; Reducing!

Rant: Onward & Upward!: Milton Friedman's a patronizing fucktard who claimed he was "entitled" to HIS social Security. That said:
"Upward mobility" once promised to achieve needed wealth redistribution in the USer economy. It seemed to be achievable after WW II, when millions of men took the GI Bill and advanced their educations. Jobs consequent upon the US having the only functioning economy in the world for about the next decade or so stimulated the growth of a 'true" middle class
But reality was always eventually going to overtake the myth, and that began in the mid '70s, with the oil shortages and the reemergence of Japan's and Germany's industrial might.
But the burgeoning advances stimulated by the IT sector improved productivity, which should have translated into continued stability, even growth.
Then, however, Raygun's minions, toadies, and bootlickers conspired with the "business community" to enact the Powell memo, and the workers were left in the dust, as CorpoRats directed more and more profits into taking over the whole social infrastructure.
That job is now complete, and social mobility is no longer necessary as a goad to obedience. Now it's sufficient merely to hold out the promise of (losing) a job.
On the US inheritance tax: It OUGHT to be confiscatory, by the way. Nobody on EARTH has "earned" the right to inherit any MORE that a million dollars. That's ENOUGH of an unearned advantage as ANYFUCKINBODY oughta enjoy, given the advantages the legatee would have enjoyed before the "inheritance" became germane. 

As I have Been Saying: The logic is impeccable in its jesuitical complexity and Machiavellian results, exactly what you'd expect from a "Constitutional Scholar."
 The U.S. Supreme Court rejects a lawsuit against the government’s secret spying program against Americans because its victims can’t prove they’re being spied upon…because it’s secret. http://www.rall.com/rallblog/2013/03/04/the-circular-logic-of-fascism
The U.S. Supreme Court rejects a lawsuit against the government’s secret spying program against Americans because its victims can’t prove they’re being spied upon…because it’s secret. http://www.rall.com/rallblog/2013/03/04/the-circular-logic-of-fascism.

Sen. Yertle Does "Very Well":
Woody believes one can never over-estimate the venality of public officials.
Nobody who really WANTS to use public office to feather their nest will EVER be prohibited from doing so, particularly once they reach Congress.
You'll have noticed, almost NOBODY ever gets tossed for graft or grift; only for sexual improprieties.
I'd be real interested in the list of Congresscritters since, say 1950, who LEFT Congress poorer than when they arrived...It would be VERY --even vanishingy--short...

Reduce Gummint? Yeah, THAT'S the ticket: What kind of a fucking moronic, drooling, suppurating idiotioc twat-waffle thinks, in the teeth of the most devastating economic downturn--FOR THE PEOPLE--in 85 years, that shrinking Federal spending is a courageous, praiseworthy act?

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