Wednesday, February 13, 2013

TBGO~~La-di-da-di-da: SOTU; Torturous; Crisis? Etc.

What Climate Crisis? If Prez. LowBar TRULY cared about the impending consequences of catastrophic, anthropogenic climate change, he would have used the SOTU last night as an occasion to issue a pledge that HIS 'gummint/regime' would put the climate change crisis at the VERY TOP of the national agenda, and would devote every energy, resource, and influence of his office and his party to addressing it.
He didn't.
Which is all you really need to know. -- WNNK
Join Jess in demanding the President take action on climate this Sunday:

Parenthetically: Copyright, 1989, John ("Woody") Konopak
The "Myth" of Sisyphus

There is NO "myth" of Sisyphus.
It's true as it is told to us:
Life takes its deadly daily toll;
But we know it's only "rock'n'roll!"


 NOT On the SOTU Agenda? If Prez. LowBar TRULY cared about the impending consequences of catastrophic, anthropogenic climate change, he would have used the SOTU last night as an occasion to issue a national call to action and to pledge that HIS 'gummint/regime' would put the climate change crisis at the VERY TOP of the national agenda, and would devote every energy, resource, and influence of his office and his party to addressing it.
He didn't.
Which is all you really need to know.
I flat PROMISE you:
He DOES NOT MEAN that he'd replace hydro-carbon energy with solar or wind.
He DOES NOT MEAN that he'd EVER stop drilling, refining, and burning petroleum products.
There are still (conservatively estimated) $25 TRILLION in unexploited petro-pools under ground.
NOBODY will EVER stop mining/extracting them as long as there is a dollar to be wrung from 'em, or a single, unamortized expense. 

Parenthetically: Woody ALWAYS wonders about the use of the subjunctive in a headline: What's with the "conditional," ["may?"]...
He may use executive orders, but he may NOT use them?
Either he fucking is going to, or he isn't fucking going to issue orders.
It's fatuous and specious to put the headline in the fucking subjunctive mood...It's dishonest. Makes people think he's actually gonna DO something about it, when EVERYBODY knows he'd rather sell a daughter into slavery than disturb the status quo.
Also, it seems to me, IF he could merely issue an order, why the FUCK has he waited four full fucking years? What the FUCK was/is he waiting for?

Torture Tactics:

If you've never experienced a "torture" museum (there's one in just about every tourist-trap city in Europe--I especially recall the one in the lovely little walled city in the north of Bavaria, Rothenberg ob der Taube)--you should; it will--it OUGHT to--leave you shaken--if you have the remotest sense of empathy for the cruel, consciously inflicted suffering they represent. The instruments the authorities at the time devised are horrible, and should give you nightmares, unless you're a monster.

THEN, while you're trembling from your encounter with TRUE 'inhumanity,' you remember these instruments were used MAINLY for the "correction" of "unGodly" sentiments. People who were blasphemers, and apostates, and heretics--ALL "religious" crimes--were the ones who were subjected to and ruined by these devices. They were designed to extract "confessions" from those accused of insulting the "Faith." These machines were applied zealously, enthusiastically, by RELIGIOUS men, HOLY men, men with VOCATIONS to "serve God."

Descriptions of their use tells me as much as I'll ever need to know about about the "climate of love" in "Holy Mother Church," then or now.-- WNNK

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