Wednesday, February 20, 2013

TBGO~~ Bah-di-bah-di-di: Use the Power; Frack Fracking; Seizures?

Lighter Roofs Could Save $1Billion USD Annually.

"Frack" You! One of Obama's top scientific advisers has signaled that the White House is poised to make a major push for the controversial practice of known as fracking--which environmental campaigners say is a betrayal of a truly clean energy agenda and evidence that the administration still misunderstands the severity of the climate dangers associated with all forms of fossil fuels.
Folks registered a modicum of displeasure at this announcement; they exhibited a sense of betrayal by Barry, the beige..
But 'fracking' and the XL Pipeline are BOTH part and parcel with the same general condition. Both will proceed; neither will be interrupted or prohibited.
Because Prez. LowBar can no more stand athwart the demands of the international commerce in oil for the tar-sands oil--or oil/hydro-carbon exploitation of ANY kind, frankly--than he could jail Alan Greenspan, Robert Rubin and Kenny "Towel-boy" Geithner...
The forces involved are SUPRA-national. They pay no heed to 'national" boundaries. It is a GLOBAL phenomenon. EVERY economy in the whole WORLD is touched by it; every political regime in the world depends on it....
There is NOTHING with which to replace the oil reserves.
Until there is--and until every last Dollar/Yuan/Ruble is accounted for (and don't forget: there are close to $25 TRILLION in claimed but undeveloiped reserves)--and all the investments in exploration, retrieval, and refinement are amortized, NOTHING is gonna change.

Image: NASA/NOAA/GSFC/Suomi NPP/VIIRS/Norman Kuring

"Terrified!": Woody callz BULLSHIT!
You know I pay attention to shit like this, and in close to 60 years of watching and listening, and I am no admirer of Prez. LowBar (or any other 'chief executive" in my lifetime, but: I have never heard one single WORD from ANYONE in power to the effect that they want to disarm the people.
Not one!
Have you?
Nobody has EVER threatened or proposed to collect all the guns.
Obama and The MarxoFascist Democrats Are Inciting A Situation From Gun Owners

A coordinated effort is underway in two states introducing  identical legislation that demands Gun Owners turn in their weapons within 90 days or face felony prosecution.
There is little chance that two bills introduced today in different states, with the exact language is a coincidence.  There is also little chance that either bill will be passed and become law in either state.
Gateway Pundit reports – TWO identical language gun ban and confiscation bills were introduced in Missouri and in Minnesota.
The Missouri House introduced Bill 545 that explicitly makes it a felony to possess a semi-automatic rifle or shotgun.  The legislation states that MO residents have 90 days to turn in their guns or render them inoperable upon passage of the bill which states the following:
Any person who, prior to the effective date of this law, was legally in possession of an assault weapon or large capacity magazine shall have ninety days from such effective date to do any of the following without being subject to prosecution.
4. Any person who, prior to the effective date of this law, was legally in possession of an assault weapon or large capacity magazine shall have ninety days from such effective date to do any of the following without being subject to prosecution:

(1) Remove the assault weapon or large capacity magazine from the state of Missouri;

(2) Render the assault weapon permanently inoperable; or

(3) Surrender the assault weapon or large capacity magazine to the appropriate law enforcement agency for destruction, subject to specific agency regulations.

5. Unlawful manufacture, import, possession, purchase, sale, or transfer of an assault weapon or a large capacity magazine is a class C felony.

It turns out that the Missouri Bill contains the same exact language as the Minnesota bill that was introduced two weeks ago:
MN H.F. No. 241, as introduced – 88th Legislative Session (2013-2014) Posted on Jan 31, 2013

Any person who, on February 1, 2013, legally owns or is in possession of an assault weapon has until September 1, 2013, to do any of the following without being subject to
prosecution under Minnesota Statutes, section 624.7133:

(1) remove the weapon from the state;

(2) surrender the weapon to a law enforcement agency for destruction;

(3) render the weapon permanently inoperable; or

(4) if eligible, register the weapon as provided in Minnesota Statutes, section 624.7133, subdivision 5.

EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment.

Neither one of these bills, especially in Missouri has an ice-cube’s chance in a blast furnace of passing.  The Democrats know this – so the question becomes; then why do it?
I believe the answer is: to goad and antagonize the Constitutionally-abiding citizen into engaging in some kind of violence that will result in an iron-fisted tyrannical response.
The MarxoFascist Left has been working overtime to try and pin all of the gun violence in the country on Conservative, Southern, White, law abiding gun owners.   Sara Palin was excoriated and blamed for Jared Laughner shooting up Gabrielle Giffords.  The media desperate to pin every act of violence on the foes of Obama, yet celebrate and justify black vendetta-murderer Chris Dorner.
Obama has stated he will green light the UN gun ban treaty so all these efforts to ban guns work in that favor and the coordination is no coincidence.  With help from the Obama Media – they continue to shove the narrative down America’s throats – to pin gun violence on Conservative, TEA Party Americans, which gives cover for Obama should he unilaterally enact that gun ban treaty himself.  
In fact, Obama’s website just put up an entry “Working to Counter Online Radicalization to Violence in the U.S.” which lists the following “threats”:
Violent extremist groups ─ like al-Qa’ida and its affiliates and adherents, violent supremacist groups, and violent “sovereign citizens” ─ are leveraging online tools and resources to propagate messages of violence and division. … Although the Internet offers countless opportunities for Americans to connect, it has also provided violent extremists with access to new audiences and instruments for radicalization.

…To more effectively organize our efforts, the Administration is establishing a new Interagency Working Group to Counter Online Radicalization to Violence, chaired by the National Security Staff at the White House
“Violent Sovereign Citizens?” So Obama has redefined separatist movements as ‘Sovereign Citizens’ engaged in radicalization and deemed such groups with the use of that language a ‘threat’ issue deserving a government task force to crack down on “messages of division”. So if and when an individual asserts himself and his Rights as ‘Sovereign’, we can assume Obama and his media will classify such an individual as an advocate of radicalization – the tracks are already greased to classify anyone doing so as a domestic terrorist. Notice I left out the word ‘violence’ in the descriptive from the site – same as Obama will do when it suits his aim to target and eliminate political dissent.

After all, how many of his cronies of late have said that they are sick and tired of the ‘extremists’ citing Constitutional rights’?

Since the Sandy Hook school shooting, the Left has fast-tracked and attempted to shove national registration and gun bans down the throats of law-abiding Americans.  To the point of introducing discussion that states that the Constitution should be scrapped, and that our rights are not unlimited and subject to restriction for our own good.  That they are attempting to raise the simmering anger of Obama’s political opposition to boiling over reveals the tactic the MarxoFascists are employing to achieve their utopian dreams.  Recall that EVERY Marxist regime that came into power, required massive bloodshed and genocide of the political opposition within those regimes in order to secure total power over their people.
It is obvious these gun confiscation bills are a nationally-coordinated collusion and deliberately antagonistic in a situation where tension and emotions are already running high.  That is no accident.  The reason for it is simple: the Obama regime and the MarxoFascists desire to provoke some sort of armed outburst by one or more pro-Second Amendment Americans.  If not a series of armed outbursts.  This gives them the justification they seek to move their revolution up to the next level, same as all the other Marxist regimes that came before.
Put plainly, the Left is now directly fomenting and inciting a situation that they want to result in an eruption.
They (DHS) bought billions of rounds of hollow-point ammunition and have armed itself with tanks and APCs.  They have declared Conservatives and the TEA Party to be domestic terrorists.  The Feds have actually WARGAMED a military response and reaction to the TEA Party.  Obama’s regime has authorized use of drones to kill American citizens.
Now this:  outright calls for gun confiscation, and declaring those persons not in compliance to be felons subject to prosecution.
It is obvious to this author, they want to initiate a civil war by stoking their political enemies into an action.  I am not the only blogger that notices this ‘agenda’.
Is Obama Pushing For A Civil War?
Over the last four years, the Obama administration has violated nearly every Article of the US Constitution and every Amendment in the Bill of Rights. They have worked to ignite racial tensions, class warfare, religious confrontations and political divisions far worse than those that led to the first American Civil War.
…The ideological divide in America is not only deeper than ever in history, it is now galvanized. With the leftist gun grab underway, the moment when push comes to shove is fast approaching.
Obama pushing American people closer to armed resistance
(snip) Each and every day now Obama and his syndicate government are pushing harder and harder for the removal of all of our liberties, in order to place us into slavery and create a permanent police state.
….Obama’s war – the War against America – has already begun in earnest. This far, our military and too many local police are training to bring us down.
I believe the Obama regime desperately wants this.  Not because he thinks they will win and be able to impose an outright dictatorship by force – but because the complete destruction of the United States is his aim and goal.  For I think Obama and the MarxoFascists believe the only way to create utopia – is from the ashes and bones of the entire society.
And Obama knows what some of us know – that America’s overseas enemies, are watching and waiting.

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