Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Bleat Goes On: Football Rapists; Media Boxes;

Rapist Jocks: Woody don't have a dog in this fight, but it seems to me that the whole culture of football has become debased, decayed and degraded far beyond the point here it should be an acceptable part of any civilized society; especially, not for youth.
Let's FIRST stop growing, and then stop coddling these bullies and the thugs. And their enablers. Every person who was involved in the "parties" should be charged as an accomplice, including the parents.
An event such as this one should occasion sanction of the most draconian sort, including shutting down the program, completely, in the school which spawned it.
No football for Steubenville for at least 5 years, and the same sorts of penalties for any other such events elsewhere--and it happens ALL THE TIME.
Fire the coach, and clean house in the whole school administration. They KNEW what was going on. In a town of 19,000, EVERYFUCKINGBODY knew. One of the kids  implicated in the ordeal is the son of the local  prosecutor, for fux sake...
I'd enthusiastically support a measure to surround the whole feculent cess-pit  of "Steubenville" with concertina wire to keep the infection contained.

It's the Media, Stupid! It is a HUGE mistake to regard the mediated life-world thrown up around us by television and the rest of the flickering screens as mere "entertainment."
They are, in fact, nothing less than the conduits by which the entire culture receives its epistemological marching orders.
Media consolidation, which now has reduced the practical number CorpoRat boardrooms which control the WHOLE of the country's epistemic vocabulary to a mere handful, began in earnest in the late '70s, with the likes of Gannett, Ted Turner, and others. Ben Bagdikian published his first edition of "The Media Monopoly" in 1983, so he had to have gathered the data earlier, and the trends were substantial, evidant, and pernicious even then. My old pal and one-time mentor, Prof Robert Picard, published his own economic analysis of the trend in 1985 and thereby created his own "field."In '83, Bagdikian though that the consolidation of all that social capital in FIFTY companies was a disaster in the making and ALREADY constituted a monopoly. Today the number of companies holding controlling interests in the American media "marketplace" is only SIX.

The phenomenon even got a "name" to make it "legit": Media Consolidation," and Billy, the Clenis, Clinton reified it all when he (enthusiastically) signed the Communications Act OF 1996.
There is a really useful, albeit significantly out-dated, graphic appended to THIS link:

Media Consolidation Infographic

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