Monday, December 17, 2012

The Bleat Goes On (12/17/12): Reloaded

Fill In The Graves


Load and Lock: The putative purpose for arming the citizenry is to protect rights, liberties, etc. by deterring the State with the threat of armed resistance.
It'd be funny, if not so pathetic. Be cause those rights and liberties are pretty obviously disappearing, wholesale, anyway, under either Party, despite our having the deadliest, most heavily armed populace in the world.
Which suggests to me that the "gummint" (those dreaded 'usurpers') aren't particularly worried about our armaments. The 'usurpers of our rights," such as they are, are not at ALL fearful about a populace armed with pop-guns, no matter how sophisticated.
For which, I must say, having seen an actual Vulcan mini-cannon in full operation--See video, above; a weapon that can put an explosive, 20mm cannon shell in every square foot of a football field in less than a minute--I cannot say I blame them...
The greatest danger such an armed, and dangerously deluded populace poses is to itself--which is plenty, and should be regulated as much as possible, but falls well short of deterring the full armed might of the US Military machine.

Pattern Recognition: A second, striking pattern in the tragic trajectory of murder and terror is the number of these events which were perpetrated by privileged, young, white males.

Profiling "Courageously." Even though the VAST majority of terrorist acts perpetrated in the USofA are and have always been committed by white males (Tim McVeigh, abortion doctor killers, clinic bombers,, etc), that special 'class' of USer will NEVER be accused of being terrorists because it would entail discommoding the largest, most powerful bloc of voters in the country, and anyone who promoted the idea would be committing political suicide.
Similarly with efforts at profiling potential mass murderers when the majority of them come from the same demographic/constituency: Nagahapun! There is NO way the dominant class will permit itself to be classified as a potential danger to society....David Sirota explains:
"Let’s review: any honest observer should be able to admit that if the gunmen in these mass shootings mostly had, say, Muslim names or were mostly, say, African American men, the country right now wouldn’t be confused about the causes of the violence, and wouldn’t be asking broad questions. There would probably be few queries or calls for reflection, and mostly definitive declarations blaming the bloodshed squarely on Islamic fundamentalism or black nationalism, respectively. Additionally, we would almost certainly hear demands that the government intensify the extant profiling systems already aimed at those groups."


The Color of Mayhem!: Woody sez: I'm reminded of a cartoon: A white boy is complaining that there were black, and asian, chicano, even women's studies classes, everywhere, but no WHITE studies classes or programs.
And his companion, a woman of color, says: "Where have you been? That's Western Civ, 101." He is somewhere in the "rogue's gallery" arrayed below. Deadly smiles.

Photo: Will police now start profiling White males?  Will unarmed White male youth be shot by cops who get a paid vacation for there troubles?  Will they be turn away from jobs and lose opportunities for housing because they are now seen as a Menace to Society?  Will White males have to deal with suspicious stares when they enter public places, and have rent-a-cops follow them around stores?  

Will Oprah and Tyler Perry put out a bunch of movies depicting how violent, depraved, and self-destructive the White male is?  Will young White males now be relegated to industries that emphasize their physical prowess and their musical talents; while being discouraged from perusing intellectual interest, or positions of power within the society?  

Will we deem White males unfit to be productive members of the White family unit and give White women benefits and support if she is willing to break from him and keep him at a distance?  

Should Black men and other minorities gather in random mobs and attack White males to insure that they know their place in society, and that they stay there?  Will the government turn a blind eye, or even support these...,let's call them: Garvey Mobs. 

Will we begin to use coded language when dissing Whites like: "You are so Suburban!"  or "Don't make me get all rural up in here."  Maybe our rappers will begin telling White women that they are bitches and hoez, and that White men are the meth smoking, child abandoning, gun toting, gangstaz we all need to fear.  Will blunts be replaced by meth pipes, and Armadale by moonshine

Or will the dominate powers isolate this and all of the past and future massacres committed by White males as isolated incidents that don't mark or represent the rest of the Race?
Will police now start profiling White males? Will unarmed White male youth be shot by cops who get a paid vacation for there troubles? Will they be turn away from jobs and lose opportunities for housing because they are now seen as a Menace to Society? Will White males have to deal with suspicious stares when they enter public places, and have rent-a-cops follow them around stores?
Will Oprah and Tyler Perry put out a bunch of movies depicting how violent, depraved, and self-destructive the White male is? Will young White males now be relegated to industries that emphasize their physical prowess and their musical talents; while being discouraged from perusing intellectual interest, or positions of power within the society?
Every Tarantino ever made is a cautionary tale about the psychopathologies of ARMED, WHITE men, innit??...As is every James Bond flick, any other "adventure" film you ever saw, other than the blaxploitation genre... Those behaviors we fear and reprobate in the "other" we lionize and celebrate within our own "group."

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