Thursday, December 16, 2010

NOW They Tell Us? Oy!

So it appears to be turning out that a LOT of stuff that was cobbled into the "health care" bill last year has ALWAYS been of "dubious" legality, efficacy or practicability, absences, lacks, and failings of which Congress were/MUST HAVE BEEN-- or at least certainly SHOULD HAVE BEEN--informed, given their intimacy with the laws and their construction.

Writing in a piece called "What We Should Have Known All Along about Health Reform CJR today, Trudy Lieberman (one of several STELLAR talents over there; Ryan Chittum is another) synthesizes reports from sources which seem to indicate the legal trouble in which the "health care" bill now finds itself was indeed forecast. And that advice which opposed these measures was ignored.

Given the efforts to obscure these uncomfortable facts, it would appear to any observer with more acuity than a scallop that SOMEBODY indeed know, and did their best to disguise those facts until the measure was already signed into law.

And, in addition, now that the fog has cleared somewhat, much the worst that anyone critical of the measure predicted would eventuate seems destined indeed to come to pass: higher prices, less coverage, more interference, all of it.

The Shamwowers always said they were gonna hafta revisit this bucket of warm spit. Promoting reheated, tepid GOPuke policies as 'reform, and claiming thereby the mantle of FDR was a base and dishonorable tactic. Serves 'em right.

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