Friday, October 1, 2010

Michael Moore Joins The Symphony of the Obvious

Yes, as Moore and dozens of others quite rightly recognize, Obama & the Dims should be, in fact, pointing daily to the fact that they are STILL struggling to correct conditions left cavalierly behind by the vanquished Busheviki--who, of course, are not "departed" at all, due to Cheney's chicanery in getting a lot of political jobs reclassified as civil servants, but still retain no small amount of local autonomy within the bureaucracy.

This is wise advice. But overlooks a couple of important points. One is that, because they were (understandably, if also deplorably) unwilling to bring the Bushevik war criminals to the bar, Obama's do not have a daily public reminder of the malfeasances and high crimes of which the current conditions are the direct consequences.

Another, and to me the more salient difficulty for this analysis is the uncomfortable fact that the real reason Obama's even IN office at all is to make the people FORGET the decades of clusterfux promulgated by the WHITE oligarchy. He's quite simply a (willing?--Is the Nobel Peace Prize his reward?) scapegoat.

If he were to make the "Bush (Clinton/Bush/Reagan) Did It" complaint stick, as he would have to do to retain his cred with his base, he'd be defeating the very reason for his presidency, which is to allow himself to be MADE the author and responsibility for the failures.

So that's his dilemma (tri-lemma?: He & the Dims have to (rightly) insist that they were left a mess, and the Pukes have obstructed every effort to clean it up, but he can't without 1) a constant provocative reminder such as a trial, which he won't pursue for understandable but cowardly reasons. Besides if he did, he'd be essentially undoing the very work he was put in place to effect.

Yeah, it's complicated

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