Thursday, September 2, 2010

Albuquerque Is The State's "Worst Speed Trap" City

Via the daily fishwrap, our own Abq. Urinal:
Group Ranks ABQ as State's Worst Speed Trap City
By Astrid Galvan
Wednesday, 01 September 2010 18:15
The National Motorist Association opposes red light and speed cameras

Drivers beware: Albuquerque has been named the state's worst speed trap city by the National Motorist Association.
The group, which opposes red light and speed cameras, ranked Albuquerque the highest in speed traps based on data from the National Speed Trap Exchange, according to its website.
It defines a speed trap as any use of traffic enforcement "focused on extracting revenue from drivers instead of improving safety." That could include speed cameras, red light cameras, or police officers stopped in roadways using a speed radar gun, the website says.
The state Transportation Commission banned red light cameras on state and federal highways in May.
The organization said it wanted to warn weekend holiday drivers about the cities with the most speed traps.
Las Cruces was second on the list as the city with the most speed traps with a population of 100,000 or less.
For those traveling the region this weekend, Tucson and Flagstaff have the most speed traps in Arizona, while Colorado Springs and Littleton ranked highest in Colorado.

Read more: ABQNews: Group Ranks ABQ as State's Worst Speed Trap City
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