Thursday, March 4, 2010

New Boss: Same Shit As De Ol' Boss, Massa!

Moore makes the same mistake that everybody else seems to make about Shamwow: that if we clap REALLY HARD, he'll abandon his utter fealty to the CorpoRats and recover his commitment to the "people."

Why would anyone believe that?

St. Barry's always been a striver, desperate for approval, especially from the surrogate (white) fathers he's sought all his live to please. The Owners supplied that, lifting him the a pinnacle never before enjoyed by ANYONE of his 'class.'

To imagine that he'd ever turn around and do anything but GRATEFULLY slobber kisses on the hands that curried, and cosseted and carried him to that pinnacle is fucking CRAZY!

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way Woody.

    And have been unfortunate in saying it too early.

    We are still outliers at this party.

    Wonder how long it will take the rest of our compatriots to catch on and change their tactics?

    Thanks for all you do to keep us informed.


    St. Barry's always been a striver, desperate for approval, especially from the surrogate (white) fathers he's sought all his live to please. The Owners supplied that, lifting him the a pinnacle never before enjoyed by ANYONE of his 'class.'
