Saturday, November 14, 2009

Support Mike Stark, Progressive Reporter, Asking Tough Questions To The Powerful

What the "injured parties" thought:
Unflattering videos of senators trying to explain their votes have gone viral on the Internet, including one of Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) swatting away a hand-held video camera held by a liberal blogger questioning his vote against the (Franken, anti-rape) amendment.…

Privately, GOP sources acknowledge that they failed to anticipate the political consequences of a “no” vote on the amendment.…

It has circulated a Web video that used a clip from Rachel Maddow’s MSNBC show to target three senators who face reelection in 2010: Republican Sens. David Vitter of Louisiana, Richard Burr of North Carolina and Jim DeMint of South Carolina.…

“I think the whole purpose of that amendment in my opinion was to create a vote which they could use to attack Republicans,” said Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.), who was himself confronted by a liberal blogger with a video camera questioning his vote.
The clips in question are these, on Stark's blog:
Here's Cornyn, from Texas, natch...

I have only supplied the raw data. Go to Stark's site and help him get the hit that will get him the ads that will get him the cred to get into the faces of these fatuous fascists! You can help support him by signing this petition.

DOTOF™ to Digby for the linkee...

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