Tuesday, September 29, 2009

PNM, The Largest Utility in New Mexico, Will Leave US Chamber

Via SFGate--the local SCUM (SoCalledUnbiasedMedia--in Abq, the "Urinal") didn't print a goddamn word about it:
A statement from Public Service Company of New Mexico says the utility sees climate change as a pressing environmental and economic issue and that it can be most productive by working with organizations that share its view on the need for "thoughtful, reasonable climate change legislation."

PNM's decision to leave the nation's largest business organization comes on the heels of a similar announcement by California utility PG&E Corp.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has been critical of the Obama administration's efforts to regulate greenhouse gas emissions.

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2009/09/25/state/n093901D93.DTL&type=business#ixzz0SVONGQRu
Meanwhile, the State has sent the application for proposed, demonstrably "dirty" Desert Rock coal-fired powerplant, set to be built on Navajo land in northwestern NM, back to the EPA. According to the New Mexico FBIHOP:
The air permit for the Desert Rock coal-fired power plant has been sent back to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) after an appeal by Attorney General Gary King was successful.

"In taking this permit back, EPA can now do what we have said they must do all along and that is to ensure that New Mexicans receive the full protections provided under federal law," King said in a statement.

Governor Bill Richardson also weighed in.

"This decision validates what my administration has long argued-that the Bush Administration was wrong not to look at harmful greenhouse gas emissions in issuing this permit," said Richardson. "I have full confidence that EPA will do the right thing the second time around."


  1. Public utilities would get money from the current cap and trade legislation. If the big bucks being offered to them wasn't there they'd be yelling that climate change is a hoax too.

  2. Well, Pat, we're bribing Sunnis in Iraq not to kill our kids in Iraq. I suppose we shouldn't scruple about bribing our CorpoRat Citizens from killing us at home...
