Friday, August 21, 2009

Pornographers Are The Most Honest Businessmen

They, at least, give full weight.

Larry Flynt, the premier pornographer of our era, and often an unlikely political activist for liberal values, is back to rub the noses of the hypocritical oligarchs on their own shit. His record is not unnblemished, of course. He was once actually arrested for contempt by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. And he has famously embarrassed the rich & famous.

It will, perhaps, be recalled that Flynt offered a $1Million-dollar bounty for tips on the sexual peccadilloes of GOPuke leaders and partisans. Today, on Antemedius, "the Big Fella" offers a tribute to Flynt in his on-going, ferocious critique of the Plutocrats.
While Larry Flynt may not be someone who's total package an average American might ever embrace whole heartily, he is someone who should garner our respect and attention, to at least listen to, and consider for his views on the hypocrisy of the plutocracy and how they would suck the last breath out of all of us common folk, as they grasp at every opportunity to build their own, selfish, treasure chests:
In America, corporations do not control the government. In America, corporations are the government.

This was never more obvious than with the Wall Street bailout, whereby the very corporations that caused the collapse of our economy were rewarded with taxpayer dollars. So arrogant, so smug were they that, without a moment's hesitation, they took our money -- yours and mine -- to pay their executives multimillion-dollar bonuses, something they continue doing to this very day. They have no shame. They don't care what you and I think about them. Henry Kissinger refers to us as "useless eaters."

...The reason Wall Street was able to game the system the way it did -- knowing that they would become rich at the expense of the American people (oh, yes, they most certainly knew that) -- was because the financial elite had bribed our legislators to roll back the protections enacted after the Stock Market Crash of 1929.

Congress gutted the Glass-Steagall Act, which separated commercial lending banks from investment banks, and passed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act, which allowed for self-regulation with no oversight. The Securities and Exchange Commission subsequently revised its rules to allow for even less oversight -- and we've all seen how well that worked out. To date, no serious legislation has been offered by the Obama administration to correct these problems.
Flynt goes on to cite other examples of how the plutocracy controls the economy and the government, even stating that every national financial collapse, from the 1929 stock market crash to the present, was triggered by Goldman Sachs. Flynt's writing makes for interesting reading, citing more history, including the reason for Shay's Rebellion (which was in the news recently as part of the context of the provocateurs [my view] who showed up at presidential speaking events with fire arms strapped to their bodies).

Ever the Don Quixote, Flynt proposes that we all fight back against the hypocrisy, and theft of our nation by the plutocrats:
I'm calling for a national strike, one designed to close the country down for a day. The intent? Real campaign-finance reform and strong restrictions on lobbying. Because nothing will change until we take corporate money out of politics. Nothing will improve until our politicians are once again answerable to their constituents, not the rich and powerful.

Let's set a date. No one goes to work. No one buys anything. And if that isn't effective -- if the politicians ignore us -- we do it again. And again. And again.

The real war is not between the left and the right. It is between the average American and the ruling class. If we come together on this single issue, everything else will resolve itself. It's time we took back our government from those who would make us their slaves.
...A casual reader might chalk all of this up to just some paranoid crackpot, but Flynt has neven been just a crackpot, he is someone who has studied the human condition, someone who does have moral values about hypocrisy and the shafting of the common man and has never been afraid to stand up for his rights. Maybe Larry Flynt is not tilting at windmills, but rather sounding an alarm for all of us.

Jeezus fucking christ!@ MAYBE???

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