Thursday, August 20, 2009

"Fund Them All And Let God Sort it Out..."

Apparently, the (I'm guessing) Roman Catholic governor of Illinois, a certain Patrick Quinn, trying to appease karma for the sins of his immediate predecessors, saw the dispersal of large amounts of Federal largesse as an opportunity to win Divine favor back for Illinois, and...well here's how American's United For the Separation of Church and State charmingly describes it:
In a letter to the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, Americans United insisted that the Constitution clearly forbids the use of public funds to subsidize religion.

Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn recently signed an infrastructure-improvement bill allocating $40 million in grants to at least 97 religious organizations within the state. The bill fails to place any restrictions on these organizations’ use of the funds.
The problem with this grand, nay, grandiose gesture is that it is probably deeply, and fundamentally unconstitutional. AU's complaint continues:
“We ask that you review all of the grants to recipients identified on the attached list, as well as any other grants slated for religious organizations, to ensure constitutional compliance,” AU’s letter asserted. “Pervasively sectarian organizations should be denied the funds altogether, and for all other organizations, restrictions and safeguards must be put in place to prevent state funds from being used to advance religion.”

Americans United Executive Director Barry W. Lynn said he is deeply troubled by the constitutional implications of the Illinois grants.

“Government is forbidden by the Constitution to fund religion,” said Lynn, who is an ordained minister. “When grants are made to religious groups with no safeguards whatsoever, the rights of taxpayers are clearly being infringed.

“No American should ever be forced to contribute money in support of religion,” Lynn continued. “The state of Illinois needs to move swiftly to ensure that public funds are not being misused for religious purposes.”

The Chicago-Tribune reported that the bill earmarks $250,000 for renovations to the Friendship House of Christian Service in Peoria, awards $150,000 for “facility improvements” at the Salaam Conference Center of Muhammad’s Holy Temple of Islam in Chicago and assigns $700,000 for capital improvements at St. Malachy School, a Catholic elementary on Chicago’s West Side, among many others.

Americans United’s protest to Illinois state officials was joined by the Anti-Defamation League. The letter was drafted by AU Legal Director Ayesha N. Khan and Staff Attorney Ian Smith.
Interesting that Gov. Quinn's generosity is so ecumenical. It suggests to me that the diversity was/is a camouflage or a device to ensure plausible deniability, or a way for the state to dispute claims of 'establishment' by being 'catholic' in its bestowals.

But the AU is no less ecumenical, joining the ADL to protest--though that might be explained by the apparent over-looking of needy Temples or Schulls...At least the Trib story didn't mention any...

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