Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Climate Change

Cartoon by Toles; used w/out permission

Am I the only one paranoid/observant enough to wonder if the ravings of the Birfers, and the Tea-baggers, and the Cracker Nation, generally, isn't a carefully thought-out plot to inspire and encourage a climate of "religious" outrage among the mono-browed, mouth-breathing, knuckle-draggers, such that some "Scott Roeder" will rise "to save the Nation" by taking a shot at Obama.

I think it altogether likely that, whether or not it is "intentional," the telos of the discourse is to inspire an assassination.

It wouldn't change the party power structure, but it would put a "white" man in office, which is the foundational complaint inspiring the current outrage 'mongst the lumpen-'white' throngs...

I won't be too surprised should it eventuate thataway...


  1. It's scary to think about, but you are definitely like-minded, Woody. Saw your post over at Crooks and Liars and had to see if it was indeed you from over at Grandpa Eddie's.

