Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Oh, Come--FUCKING--ON! For Shit's Sake!@!: More "Transparency"

The Obama WhiteHouse has sealed the visitors' book.

It happened after folks from CREW tried to ascertain the access to the Obama White House enjoyed by coal executives. Remember in the campaign when Obama praised "clean coal" all over Appalachia and the Ohio River valley?

Just as did the Bushevik regime before them, as you will no doubt recall, when the issues were the visiting permits for one Jeff Guckert/Gannon, an on-line, male escort who may have been a consort/toy of Karl Rove's, as well as the folks earlier who'd met with Cheney to plan Gulf War II.

I never really expected there to be any change, especially in the practice of 'security,' and the plethora of sins that nominally valid concern is permitted to cover. I served in "Intelligence." So I am not 'disappointed.' But it would be fair to say I find it increasingly discouraging at a time when more discouragements are both gratuitous and insulting.

From CREW, via Aravosis:
16 Jun 2009 // Washington, D.C. - Today, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) is filing a complaint against the Department of Homeland Security based on the refusal of the Secret Service to provide CREW with White House visitor records under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

CREW sought records of visits by top coal executives in an effort to learn the extent to which these individuals may have influenced the administration’s energy policy.

Taking the exact same position as the Bush administration, the Obama administration claimed the records are presidential, not agency records, and otherwise exempt in their entirety because of the possibility in some instances they could reveal information protected by the presidential communications privilege.

In prior litigation U.S. District Court Judge Royce Lamberth agreed with CREW that the records are agency records that must be disclosed under the FOIA.
At least ya gotta figger this time the Coal Capos--the Energy Dons--are meeting with the guy in the FRONT office.

1 comment:

  1. Ain't that fucking marvy? This s.o.b. is exactly as you have him in the two graphics. Slimeball is Bush44.
