Friday, June 26, 2009

"Fault Lines" --- Recruiting Crusaders for Christ

Via Truthdig:

From AlJazeerah-English, with Chris Hedges, Mikey Weinstein and others:
“Fault Lines” has this disturbing look at efforts to transform American soldiers into “government paid missionaries,” as one Christian fundamentalist group put it. Featuring Truthdig’s own Chris Hedges.

Related Truthdig Classic: “The Cancer From Within” by retired U.S. Air Force Colonel David Antoon. (2007)
The fact that the report originates with Al Jazeerah does not diminish the truth of the allegations. Cf: MRFF: Miliary Religious Freedom Foundation.


  1. This is beyond dangerous, not only in the eyes of other countries, but domestically. If the majority of those in military service believe that we should be a theocracy, they could side with those who would like to see it implemented. And we all know good and well how things like that work out.

    I've been saying for over a decade now, that THE biggest threat to our country is evangelical Christians who want to implement a theocracy. And now they're using boot camp as a place to indoctrinate emotionally vulnerable soldiers into their cult. From their standpoint, that was a brilliant tactic. And there are obviously those high up in our government who seek the same thing, because they apparently have no desire to put a stop to it.

    "America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms it will be because we destroyed ourselves." --Abraham Lincoln

  2. Both Huey Long and Sinclair Lewis, coming from entirely diverse circumstances, predicted, in almost exxactly the same words, that when Fascism came to the USofA, it would be wrapped in the flag and carrying a bible...

  3. "I've been saying for over a decade now, that THE biggest threat to our country is evangelical Christians who want to implement a theocracy."

    Uh... Yeah.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. And then we wonder why many Muslim's use the word "Jihad" to describe their war with the US. Our media and the paleoconservative punditocracy actually denigrate them for using that term.

    And lo and behold, (many of) our soldiers are indeed over there waging a holy war.
