Tuesday, June 23, 2009

"Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran"

I am (for now) content with how "thePrez" is 'handling' the immediate, domestic Iranian situation: with caution. The situation is unstable and inflammatoryble. Official USer ambivalence is good. John Bolton, that mustachioed maven of all things Neo-Con and International, is not happy; nobody---except the "non-partisan" propagandists on NPR (ME, this morning; I wanted to PUKE)---gives a rabid rats reeking ass about what Sean Hannity thinks.

Because, of course, there are scores, perhaps hundreds, of USer/CIA operatives and agents provocateurs on the ground in Iran, stirring shit up, as usual "Destabilizing," they call it, in that sterile prose of the empire). Nothing happens in the world without grubby/bloody Murkin fingerprints showing up on the details somewhere, if only inside the assassin's gloves.

But Obama's strict hands-off stance as a matter of official policy cannot be rebutted, imho...It is far too easy to impute dissent to USer intervention in Iran. He's right to stay studiously distant.

While we're on the subject of Rightard/Flying Monkey fucknozzledom, here's another interesting factoid to consider: How those claiming the solidarity with the Iranian "people" were so eager a mere 6 months ago to murder those very people, and destroy their country, at the behest of a "client" state (Israel). How soon after these domestic difficulties in Iran are concluded will Bolton, the PNAC/Zionists, and the rest begin the aggro for "bomb bomb bombing" Iran, again?

BTW: Geaux Tigers! (CWS, 1-0)


  1. "How those claiming the solidarity with the Iranian "people" were so eager a mere 6 months ago to murder those very people, and destroy their country, at the behest of a "client" state (Israel)."

    You know, I saw while doing a google search, Michelle Malkin seemingly supporting the Iranians. I didn't click her blog, I don't want to give her traffic so I don't know exactly what her point was. People like her were ready to "kill them all" not that long ago, so you bring up an interesting point. And you know the answer to why they're like this, they're all stupid. I'm sure more than half the fuckers couldn't find Iran or Israel on a map of the world. They don't have any clue about the history of Iran or Israel, or anything else for that matter.

    All they can do is parrot the talking radio heads, like Limpballs. They don't have a critical thought in their heads, nor are they cognizant enough to realize that they don't.

  2. Bless you for indirectly pointing out the insultingly absurd inclusion of the word "public" in National Public Radio.

    Equally ridiculous is the title of one of NPR's more popular programs:
    " 'All' Things Considered". That one makes me want to start indiscriminately stabbing people with a fork.
