Thursday, April 23, 2009

Would Religious Leaders Lie?

Does Ratzi, the Nazi ack-ack gunner, wear Prada? Are the polar bears drowning?

You betcher sweet ass!

As the House Judiciary Committee began the mark-up of HR 1913, the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009, a measure to extend coverage to certain crimes committed because of a person's actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity, and also to increase assistance to state and local governments in fighting hate crimes, the usual array of bigots, haters, and hypocritical 'religious' asswipes are telling lies about the potential consequences, claiming the law would impede pastors' "ability" to condemn and denounce "faggots" from the pulpit...

No. Really! Via TheReligionClause, today:
The Advocate reports that Republican Congressmen opposed to passage of the bill offered a large number of amendments, all of which were defeated. One amendment proposed adding "unborn child" to the definition of those against whom Hate Crimes might be perpetrated. Another amendment proposed adding "pregnant women." Rep. Steve King of Iowa suggested changing the bill's name to the "Local Law Enforcement Thought Crimes Prevention Act of 2009."

Some Christian groups are again this year raising the spectre that the bill, if enacted, would infringe the right of Christian ministers to oppose homosexuality. For example, Jeff King, president of International Christian Concern, called the bill "a backdoor tool from the far left and radical homosexuals to shut down legitimate free speech from Christians and others who oppose their lifestyle." ICC argued that the federal aiding and abetting statute (18 USC 2) could allow prosecution of those "who teach that homosexual behavior is sinful and that Islam is a false religion." A release issued by Americans United this week counters the argument, saying:
The bill penalizes assault and physical violence, not speech. In fact, the legislation makes it clear that free speech is protected. Section 10 states, "Nothing in this Act, or the amendments made by this Act, shall be construed to prohibit any expressive conduct protected from legal prohibition by, or any activities protected by the free speech or free exercise clauses of, the First Amendment to the Constitution."
So these Religious leaders are are actually lying sacks of shit? What a surprise...

Anyone who would use the power of their pedagogical presence in the class room to "teach" "that homosexual behavior is sinful and that Islam is a false religion," probably should be banned from ANY classroom not operated by that fucktard/wackloon Fred Phelps, and expelled from any such position that such a person might now occupy...

Fuck God!

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