Tuesday, April 7, 2009

...When He's Bad, He's Horrid...

It's not only I who's noticed, either.

I made a list:
  • Obama's wrong on the banksters...And put particularly rapacious foxes in charge of the regimes financial henhouses.

  • And he's wrong on unions...Extorting more concessions as the price of their jobs, and backing off EFCA.

  • And he's wrong on health care...Feeding the parasites in the health insurance industry at the expense of people's health...

  • And he's wrong on Af/Pak...Predator drones are not the right kinds of emissaries if your seeking peace...

  • And he's wrong on Iraq...Rebranding doesn't mean 'withdrawing'...

  • And he's wrong on Iran...Where the US seems to be acting as Israel's client state...

  • And he's wrong on Israel...Ignoring the Israeli State's territorial ambitions...

  • And he's wrong on missile defenses in Europe...The Russians rightly regard the moves as provocative, even if the missiles aren't operational yet...

  • And he's wrong on domestic spying...His vote on the Telecom Liability bill last Congress is all you need to know

  • And he's wrong on 'state secrets'...Bush was wrong to invoke this to cover up malfeasance, and it's till wrong...

  • And he's wrong on the 'stimuli'...Too small, stunted, and delayed; Needed more MONEY, sooner...

  • And he's wrong on the Bushevik holdovers...There was a "Monica Goodling" in every branch, department, agency, and commission in the whole government...

  • And he's wrong on 'bi-partisanship'...You cannot 'negotiate' with anyone who's functional premises do not include 'good faith'...

  • And he's wrong on medicinal marijuana...A campaign pledge he's visibly reneged on, via his corporate lackey Holder...

  • And he's wrong on militarizing the border...Calling for more suppression, more surveillance, more boots on the ground...

  • And he's wrong on GMO/Frankenfoods...Though Michelle's organic garden is a nice gesture...,

  • And he's wrong on 'clean coal'...Which he supported duting the primaries and the campaign...

  • And he's wrong about NOT pursuing legal remedies against the Busheviks...Though his hesitance is, if anything, the MOST "pragmatic" decision he's made so far...

  • ...And I am certain there are a few more, maybe many more, I've overlooked, since the foregoing list is just off the top of my head...And it's worrisome, because if he can be so wrong about so many things so soon after taking office, well, it bodes ill for the future. It's not 90 days yet, and I can safely say that, from my perspective (read the blogs if you're in any doubt about it), he's way off-base on a LOT of serious issues. And it means he's been wrong about 'em all along, too...

    But, so I've gotta ask: Was the change we for which we were hoping just that Obama might be wrong about a whole new set of problems?


    1. He's wrong on almost everything, only throwing the odd bread crumb out there, so the new improved 20%ers of the left, can use excuse after excuse after excuse. I for one am tired of all the false excuses, while watching perfectly decent people with an opinion being cursed out and treated like little children with no intelligence. Sound familiar? Ya that's right. C&L has turned into Redstate for Dems and John Amato and his staff should be ashamed. Liberal? Progressive? Bullsh*t. They are partisan hacks, and nothing more. Nice post Woody:-)

    2. Oh and Barney Frank today on C&L answered questions like most politicians. He didn't. Spin baby spin. 5 responses, but only to C&L posters, and not to the flocks questions. Guess maybe it wasn't really Barney Frank?

    3. "Finally, I believe Secretary Geithner has done a good job given that he has been in office less than three months dealing with an enormous set of problems. And it should be noted that he is not a rogue Secretary but has been acting as the agent of President Obama with the Presidents full knowledge and support." Barney Frank

      There you have it. Right from the proverbial horse's mouth. Need we say anything more about this Yes We (Corporations and Banks) Can???

    4. This is really a fascinating blog, lots of stuff that I can get into. One thing I just want to say is that your Blog is so perfect!
