Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Palin Backs Away From KKK A.G. Nominee?

I guess it must be the very limited talent pool up there in Alaska, where everybody's running away from what they did or said somewhere or sometime else? according to Max Blumenthal
: The governor is reeling after nominating for attorney general a man who allegedly defended the right of men to rape their wives. Now, Max Blumenthal reports, she may dump him to save herself.

While priming her political machine for a likely 2012 presidential primary run, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has fomented a scandal that threatens to further erode her reputation in the Last Frontier. In March, Palin nominated Wayne Anthony Ross for attorney general. Ross, a colorful far-right lawyer and longtime Palin ally who sports his initials, W.A.R., on his Hummer’s vanity plates, was once considered a shoo-in for confirmation. However, his nomination was thrown into grave peril when his opponents presented evidence that he called homosexuals “degenerates,” leveled invective against an African-American student offended by a statue of a Klansman, vowed to undermine the sovereignty of Native American tribes, and allegedly defended men who rape their wives. According to two sources close to the confirmation hearings, Palin may ask Ross to withdraw before his appointment comes to a vote.
I gotta say, he sounds like a man's man, and an Alaska role model not far removed from John Wayne. I don't see how any of that can hurt him up there where men are men and the sheep flinch.
According to Burton, who detailed the allegations for me, Ross allegedly declared during a speech before a 1991 gathering of the “father’s rights” group Dads Against Discrimination, “If a guy can’t rape his wife, who’s he gonna rape?”
The logic is inescapable, as apparently is Ross's house, if you want to leave unmolested...
Palin’s hopes for a swift confirmation process were dashed April 10 when Leah Burton, a veteran lobbyist on children’s issues and domestic violence, submitted a letter to the Alaska State Judiciary Committee claiming that Ross publicly defended spousal rape. According to Burton, who detailed the allegations for me, Ross allegedly declared during a speech before a 1991 gathering of the “father’s rights” group Dads Against Discrimination, “If a guy can’t rape his wife, who’s he gonna rape?” (In a subsequent letter, Ross denied the remark and claimed, “I don’t talk like that!”)
Yeah, we know Wayne, and anyway, if you did say it after all, you were quoted out of context.

My favorite Alaska joke:
A newby comes in country, and goes to his local bar the first night. Chats up the locals, trying to get into the communtiy, but the folks mainly ignore him. Eventually he asks: "Hey, what's a guy gotta do to be accepted here?"

The bar-tender replies: "First, you gotta finish a quart of bug-juice in less than 10 minutes. Then you gotta wrestle a polar bear, and then screw an Eskimo."

The guy says: "No sweat," grabs a quart of bug-juice, chugs it and staggers out into the night. Nobody thinks much about it til about 6 hours later the dude staggers back into the bar, and he's a mess: one eye is hanging by a thread, he's cut and scratched, and chewed, and bleeding from a hundred cuts. But he's game. "Now, goddam it, where's that Eskimo you want me to wrestle?"

1 comment:

  1. gotta say, he sounds like a man's man, and an Alaska role model not far removed
    from John Wayne. I don't see how any of that can hurt him up there where men are men and the sheep flinch.

    I have to say that I am from Alaska and we were appalled when we heard of her nomination. Not everyone up here are idiots. Prior to the 70's pipeline rush Alaska was a blue state. It was until the late 60's and onward that it became embarrassment that it is today. When Frank Murkowski was elected which is when the state truly failed,the republicans voted for a known criminal. When he was up for reelection that were not that many candidates running for office. But then there was Palin someone no one had heard of Mayor of Wasilla(which to everyone else in Alaska Wasilla is the brunt of many jokes before she thrust herself into the spotlight and now after). Palin was a new face and during her campaign she seemed very moderate not really siding with anyone forging her own path. She was new, she was moderate and well we all thought she was better then Frank, it could be worse. Oh how we were wrong...it could be so much worse.

    But please He is no role model...
