Thursday, April 30, 2009

Max Blumenthal In Gun-Loon-Land

He's a very brave guy, our Max. He's taken on the CPAC, the Xians-For-AIPAC, and several other groups of total fucktard/wackloon/Flying-Monkeys and lived to tell the tale. I posted the Vid of Max's sojourn into on Rightard/Wackloon nirvana at Have A GREAT Day.

Max wrote about his adventure on The Daily Beast (which he is just about the only reason to visit), and has this to say:
On April 18 and 19, I attended gun shows in Antioch, California, and Reno, Nevada, to probe the culture of gun enthusiasts at the onset of the Obama era. I came away from these events with a portrait of a heavily armed, tightly organized movement incited by right-wing radio to a fever-pitched resentment of President Obama and his allies in Congress. Even as the economy suffers, gun dealers and their Washington lobbyists are leveraging renewed anti-government sentiment into unprecedented sales figures and fattened membership rolls. “We’ve been swamped today,” an NRA representative from Antioch boasted. “We’ve practically ran out of our materials that we give away at sign-up.”
Both the commentary and the comments are worth attention.

You've probably already noticed that those dudes hottest for the .50 Cal are usually packing a pea-shooter behind their zippers...


  1. You know, the right-wing wackos spout that if anyone takes away their semi-automatic M-4's and their AK-47s, then they can't fight a corrupt government. But conversely it could be argued, that if you allow crazy right-wing wacko groups that want to secede from the union to have military grade weapons, they could attempt to overthrow a duly elected democratic government and institute their theocracy/fascist state/what have you. Not that they'd accomplish that, our military would wipe them out, but a lot of innocent people would probably die in the crossfire.

    Now, don't get me wrong, I'd be pissed if they tried to outlaw deer rifles (how else do I get venison?), but if some ignorant rednecks think that owning a machine gun means that they can take on the United States Military, I really think they need their heads examined. Are they going to buy fighter jets too? How about tanks? The argument is flawed on so many levels.

  2. Not that they'd accomplish that, our military would wipe them out, but a lot of innocent people would probably die in the crossfire.If you haven't already, hie thee to a library and read Jeff Sharlet's piece on the Armies of God in the May Harper''s not on-line yet, not for another coupla weeks....

    The Military is not gonna be on the side of the "govt" when the time comes, it'll be with the "religious/wackloon/xian/flying-monkey" contingent...
