Thursday, March 5, 2009

From The First Day of Bush's Term, I Hoped He'd Fail

There's a lot of smoke and furor over the open admission of some in the GOPuke noise machine that they want Obama to fail.


I wanted Bush to fail, from the first moment of his regime. I worked for his failure. I gave money for his failure. I donated time and energy for his failure. I wanted him to fail utterly, totally, and completely at the job he was installed by the CorpoRat masters to do: destroying the commons of the US, privatizing the Government, and eliminating the ability of the people to resist.

I wanted the Dims to MAKE him fail.

Who among you wanted him to "succeed" in clusterfucking the country for the profit of his CorpoRat masters?

Not me!

I wanted him to FAIL, horribly, totally, wholly, eternally, embarrassingly, again and again...

What about you?

Did you want him to "succeed" in his attack on Iraq? I didn't.

Did you want him to "succeed" in overturning legal abortion? I didn't.

Did you want him to "succeed" in breaching the church-state wall? I didn't.

Did you want him to "succeed" in blocking international cooperation on climate research? I didn't.

Did you want him to "succeed" in denying habeas corpus? I didn't.

Did you want him to "succeed" in abandoning New Orleans after Katrina? I didn't.

Did you want him to "succeed" in undoing and gutting Social Security? I didn't.

Did you want him to "succeed" in torturing detainees? I didn't.

Did you want him to "succeed" in domestic spying? I didn't.

Did you want him to "succeed" in politicizing the Justice Dept? I didn't.

Did you want him to "succeed" in stealing the '04 election? I didn't.

Did you want him to "succeed" in packing the SCROTUS? I didn't.

Did you want him to "succeed" in gutting the EPA protections? I didn't.

Did you want him to "succeed" in opening the inner Continental shelf to drilling? I didn't.

Did you want him to "succeed" in selling off the wildlands to his CorpoRat pals? I' didn't.

Did you want him to "succeed" in replacing science with 'faith?' I didn't.

Did you want him to "succeed" at all? Well did you?

I didn't. I ALWAYS wanted the mother-fucker to fail, big time!

Unfortunately, he was all too successful. And we are NEVER gonna undo those "successes," because nothing goes back the way it was.

1 comment:

  1. Do you know who came up with that CorpoRat term ? I saw Clapso over on WordPress use it years ago w/o any idea it was more commonly used.
    The Texans tried to tell us. I saw online vitriol that one would have thought inaccurate because it was hatemongering. Funny how a few years can violently change one's ideas about accurate characterization. Mind - that started immediately I realized that Saddam was nothing more than a convenient excuse : which was when the weapons inspectors reports and UN position became radically different from U.S. policy.
    I've been checking Len Hart's The Existentialist Cowboy for a few years now. Even the idea of a 9/11 conspiracy has even lost any semblance of being unreasonable and hysteria ; being at least as credible as the bumpf that passes for news and analysis.
