Tuesday, February 3, 2009

AG Holder Should Begin His Tenure At DoJ...

...By demanding a letter of resignation from every single employee in the Department...

From Scott Horton's luminous "No Comment" blog:
As Eric Holder enters the smoldering wreckage of the Justice Department, the challenges he faces will require extraordinary energy and exertion. He will enter with only a few hundred political appointees, while far larger number of “loyal Bushies” have been burrowed (illegally, as the Department acknowledges in its own internal probe) deeply into the institution. The first struggle on the horizon is likely to be a struggle within Justice for the institution’s soul. I expect sabotage and disinformation to flow freely for several months. Hang on for the ride.
There was a "Monica Goodling" in every Board, Bureau, Committee, and Department of the US Govt, embedded for the sole and only purpose of sabotaging reform...

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