Saturday, August 2, 2008

Here's Five Minutes Of Video That Should Scare You Spitless

Here's Five Minutes Of Video That Should Scare You Spitless...unless you're either Barack Obama or John McCain. Strangely, neither one seems overly troubled by the prospects. But, if you're even a marginally well-informed citizen, you should be worried, nervous, and scared three-quarters outta your fuukin mind...

Change? Bwaaaaahahahahahahahahahaha-(gasp)-hahahahahahahahahahahaha

Support Teh REAL News.

Via Calculated Risk: Don't be lookin' for any Second-Half rallies, either. The economy's in the shitter for the foreseeable future.

So much for unrelieved gloom. Now for something completely different (DILLIGAF?):

Segue to Outtro:

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