Friday, August 15, 2008

Comment Period Now Open On Bushite "Butt-Fuck-The-ESA" Rule

This is something about which something needs to be done. Personally, I'd like to jelly Kempthorne's knees with a baseball bat and leave him for the critters to clean up. This is really nefarious. Once any new rule is implemented, it is exponentially more difficult to restore the "status quo ante," if it is, indeed, ever possible at all.

I copied this entire from a post by melvin on pff.
With today's publication in the Federal Register of the proposed changes in how the ESA is administered, the thirty-day period for public comment officially begins.

Their heading is Interagency Cooperation Under the Endangered Species Act. Aww, isn't that cute? Who could possibly oppose cooperation?

You can comment here. But you only get thirty days. Please note as well your comment will be flushed if it does not include an address.

For a detailed look at the effect of these changes, see Bush Knows New Endangered Species Rule Illegal, the CBD, the NWF, etc.

The bottom line here is the removal of science from the process. Roadbuilders, dredgers, and mining experts, revolving door political appointees all, will be presumed to know more about the natural histories and habitat requirements of our flora and fauna than biologists who have spent their entire lives studying them.
I also favor "spiking" in timber forests, too...just sayin'

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