Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Can A Citizen "Trespass" on Public Property?

Ask the chubby, officious, pushy little McCaint operative/motherfucker who's making the objection and trying to shut 61-year-old librarian Caror Kreck up as she waited in line to attend an allegedly public McCaint "town meeting." The chubby little fuck told her she couldn't carry a hand-lettered sign that read "McCain = Bush."

I wouldn't vote for that murderous maggot, McCaint, to suck runny dog-shit through a flavo-straw--if that were a public, rather than a corporate (VP for Corporate Accountability) office...

Carol Kreck for Congress! Fuck you, you fascist assholes. Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you! Tell us, tell the fucking country, what the fuck did Carol Kreck to be unceremoniously ejected from a public function in public space by the fucking POLICE??? They were being 'nice,' but if she'd sat down, they'd have busted her like a crack whore...

Oh, I HATE COPS!!! I HATE COPS!!! You CANNOT tell me the cops don't drill to the official Fascist Pig March. We learned this in the '60s: Cops = Pigs. They work for the Regime, always...

Oh, yeah, I dunno if it got mentioned in the vid, but this happened in someplace called Denver. You ever hear of Denver, before? Seems I oughta recollect....Ummmm, durn, well...yep, I got it. Them Democrats're gonna hold their Convention i n Denver this summer. I knew there's sumpin I was fergettin...

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