Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Here's An Anomaly: Good News On The Planet Preservation Front

Via GRIST, an invaluable source/resource. They do GOOD WORK, with sound research and good humor. Read the whole thing, or SCROLL DOWN til you get to this:
That Holds No Water
Mayors resolve to phase out city spending on bottled water

The U.S. Conference of Mayors passed a resolution last week to phase out city spending on bottled water. "Cities are sending the wrong message about the quality of public water when we spend taxpayer dollars on water in disposable containers from a private corporation," said San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, adding, "The fact is, our tap water is more highly regulated than what's in the bottle." Millions of barrels of oil go into plastic-bottle manufacturing, and cities spend some $70 million annually on bottle disposal. Though the new resolution is not binding, it received strong support, and more than 60 mayors across the country have already canceled bottled-water contracts. The American Beverage Association is entirely unamused by the trend. "We believe that common sense will prevail when mayors return to their communities," says the ABA's Kevin Keane, "as most recognize more pressing challenges are facing their communities than concerns about a healthy water beverage."
Albuquerque's Mayor, Martin Chavez, has been a leading proponent of weaning the public off its throw-away, plastic bottles of water, the purity of which is LESS carefully monitored than municipal sources. Bottled water is the ultimate in obsessive consumption. It is a HUGE industry. The Grist newsletter describes a new program at Home Depot stores to collect and recycle extinguished mini-fluorescent light bulbs; a great idea.
Wal-Mart and Costco should collect and recycle the plastic water bottles they sell by the skid-full.

I cannot afford to send much in support to non-profits, but Grist gets some when I have it.

1 comment:

  1. That's great news. Maybe cities could promote the change with those ultra light, PBA-safe Sigg aluminum bottles with city names and green logos on them. -- SP
