Friday, July 25, 2008

Christ! Murkins are FUCKING Morons!

And McCain, Clinton, and Obama, Boehner, Hoyer, Reid, Pelosi, and the whole reeking, corrupt, bought-and-paid-for bunch of cowards and crooks ought to have their mouths washed out with drilling mud for perpetuating the fiction that drilling for more oil will/would reduce the price at the pump (PATP) for Murkin voters.

The truth is that you could slaughter every wild critter in the arctic, bring in all the exploration and drilling equipment in the world, set it up every and anywhere in the ANWR, and nothing would happen to the PATP.


Because it will take at the absolute minimum at LEAST two-three years to pull up the first drop of oil.

Which will already have been sold to the Chinese, Indians, or the Japanese.

Because the refinery capacity of the USofA is ALREADY maxed out, and the oil companies are NOT building any more. EVER. Cuz there's not enough money in it to justify the expense, not enough oil left to recoup the investment.

These are the inconvenient facts. So why, when these matters are discussed, is there NEVER any mention of them in the SCUM (SoCalledUnbiasedMedia)in the context of the political discussions? Too complicating? Too ambiguous? Against the natrrative? What the FUCK is wrong with these fucknozzles--YES NPR, I am talking to you, you lazy, feckless fux.

NOBODY demagoging OIL for political gain should ever be allowed to finish without acknowledging those realities; e.g.: "Senator, will what you are proposing have any effect on the prices paid for gas at the pump in the immediate or even the short term? No? Then Senator, please have an aide get you a nice, fresh bottle of "SHUT THE FUCK UP!"

You cannot spell RePublicaN without NPR...

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