Monday, March 10, 2008

It's the Fucking OIL, Stupid!

Why do the US and western European 'democracies' support the 'independence' of Kosovo?
Part One of Three (Support TheRealNews)

There are only two man-made structures on Earth visible from space. One of them is the Great Wall in China.

The other is Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo, which sits squarely astride the oil pipeline feeding southeastern Europe and avoiding Russia.

Real-Politik, babies, fuukin Real-Politik!!!

Here's parts 2 and 3:

1 comment:

  1. (sounds of throwing up all over his computer)

    once again Woody, here is something i didn't realize that makes me violently ill

    the other day i was stuck in the waiting room at the doctors. i live in an asinine part of pennsylvania that votes repug every fucken time btw (google Rep. Phil English)

    Corporate Newz Network was blatting on the teevee about the price of gasoline

    the only other asshole in the waiting room with me went off on this fucken tirade about how it's all the environmentalists fault, if we could just gut the Arctic reserve well hell everything would be a o fucken k.

    i sat there nodding my head, like i was really interested. when he was quite done i paused pregnantly; then said something off the top of my head like, he was a useless tool who shouldn't even be allowed to drive a car much less open his mouth on any subject other than what kind of cooked cereal he'd like packed into his adult diaper.

    he looked at me with his jaw moving up and down like a dumb, hungry animal. at that moment the nurse opened the door and said to me, "THE DOCTOR WILL SEE YOU NOW."

    timing is everything in this life. have a nice day.
