Thursday, January 24, 2008

Okay, That Gutless, Scum-sucking, Tea-bagging Shitwhistle, "Hairless" Harry Reid's Gonna Give Bush "Retroactive Immunity"

David Kurtz, at TPM, yesterday:

The handwriting has been on the wall for some time, but it now seems certain that Senate Democrats will pass a new FISA bill that contains retroactive immunity for telecoms, shielding them from lawsuits over their cooperation with the Bush Administration in its far-reaching warrantless wiretapping program.

Meanwhile, House Democrats have decided to postpone any vote on holding Josh Bolten and Harriet Miers in contempt for their refusal to testify to Congress about the White House role in the U.S. attorney purge. (Nancy Pelosi's 'leadership' is so notable, feculent bitch. Ed.)

Late Update: Sen. Chris Dodd has just reiterated his intention to filibuster telecom immunity, so maybe all is not lost.
Except that Reid's gonna make the Dems actually filibuster, instead of merely to threaten, which is always enough to kill any legislation the Busheviks oppose.

So, fuck yes, all is lost, for the 4th Amendment, anyway.

NB: I do not expect either Senator Clinton or Senator Obama to actually JOIN Dodd if he filibusters, even though they say they support the effort. This will be a litmus test for me between the two (whom I believe are destined to become prominent footnotes, not president, either one). Which ever one actually DOES support Dodd, I will enthusiastically support in their campaign, If neither does, I shall abstain from casting a presidential ballot, because they will conclusively have demonstrated their fundamental sympathy with the fascist regime now in power, and their inability or unwillingness to contest the powers that be.

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