Monday, December 24, 2007

If you ask 'em, most Murkins will tell you they are "immune" to propaganda.

And, besides, everybody knows Murkins don't do "propaganda," USers do "truth." It's our 'enemies' who do "propaganda." You know, godless Commies, libruls, and islamofascists, and shit like that.

Interestingly, if you ask 'em, most advertizing 'professionals' (at least publically) EMPHATICALLY reject the idea that they engage in anything so tawdry as 'propaganda.' I got more or less drummed out of the journalism teaching /bidness/ cuz I wasn't fooled and wouldn't shut up.

And besides, everybody knows Murkins don't think they are effected by advertizing, either. Like kelp isn't effected by the tide. Right...

Cuz if you think there is a difference between a Dodge and a Ford, they're laughing at your fatuous ass in Dearborn and in Manhattan; you've been SOLD, dumb-ass. There is a difference between a Ford and a sea-bass. There is no difference between a Ford and a Dodge. A fucking pickup truck or a sedan is a fucking truck or a sedan, no matter the label/marque that's attached to the engine bonnet.

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