Monday, December 10, 2007

Department of This Doesn't Look Good, Israel Desk

There seems to be some resistance in Israel to the decline in interest in war with Iran, in the wake of the latest Iran NIE. Israel believes it NEEDS to be the only nuclear power in the region. they will do anything to preserve their nuclear hegemony.

Dec 9, 2007 8:32 | Updated Dec 9, 2007 11:08

Prosor: War with Iran may be unavoidable

It must be clear that if Iran does not cooperate with the West on the nuclear issue, military confrontation will be unavoidable, incoming Israeli ambassador to Britain, Ron Prosor, was quoted as saying Sunday.

Prosor, who served as Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's senior adviser on Iran, told the Sunday Telegraph that Teheran could enrich enough uranium to make an atomic bomb by 2009.

"At the current rate of progress Iran will reach the technical threshold for producing fissile material by 2009," he told the British newspaper. "This is a global threat and it requires a global response. It should be made clear that if Iran does not co-operate then military confrontation is inevitable. It is either co-operation or confrontation."

Prosor went on to say that the Iranians would soon be able to fully control all the elements of enrichment and from that point on, it would only be a matter of time before they had a nuclear weapon.

I suspect this means that Israel will attack Iran and rely on the US to intervene to prevent or to mitigate, somehow, the inevitable blowback.

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