Monday, October 29, 2007

They Should Be Naming Fucking Post Offices, Not Judges

And especially NOT to life-time tenure posts. The Chimp's a gimp: limp/quack. Why give him/them ANY-fucking-THING?
I mean, has ANY Bush Cabal nominee EVER been honest in their confirmation hearings? Think about it: Every last fucking one of 'em has said what they need to say to get the job, and then done whatever the Chimp/Cheney tells ’em to do.
Have the Dems ever prevented a controversial Bush cabal nominee from assuming whatsoever position for which they were nominated? mebbe John Bolton?
And don’t gimme the Belgian Ambassador.
Dodd says he'll block Mukasey unless the nominee makes an unambiguous statement naming 'water-boarding' (a favorite tactic of the SS, 70 years ago) as torture. Even if Mukasey tells Dodd what he wants/needs to hear, once he’s in office, there’s absolutely no way to prevent him from, or punish him for, reneging on those statements.
Last week, that peerless “Liberal” shitheel Diane Feinstein voted to move the nomination of Leslie Southwich out of committee with a MAJORITY vote. Southwick’s nomination was up for confirmation by the whole senate last week. It passed,59-38, with Feinstein leading the defection of 9 “Dems”: Akaka (Hawaii), Byrd (West Virginia), Conrad (North Dakota), Dorgan (North Dakota), Feinstein, Johnson (South Dakota—why were we waiting for that shitheel to get well?), Lieberman (Independent-Connecticut), Lincoln (Arkansas), Nelson (Nebraska), and Pryor (Arkansas) voting with the PUKES!
More to the point:
What the fuck are the craven, Vichy Dems doing moving ANY fucking BushInc nominees into life-time seats on ANY-fucking-THING?

They should be naming post offices, not naming judges.

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