Thursday, October 25, 2007

We--All Of US--Broke It...

I Am Sick To Fucking Death With "Tactical" Democrats!

They're the ones, like Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama, Joe Biden, and a LOT of others, who were NOT opposed to, and do not now repudiate or revile, the ICORP (Invasion, Conquest, Occupation, Rape & Pillage) of Iraq, but only quibble about the mechanics of how it was accomplished, why it failed, or how it could be "saved."

They're ones who will endlessly fucking proclaim: well, we could have "won" if we'd only 1) used more troops, 2) dropped more bombs, 3) killed more Iraqis,...or 7) ALL THE ABOVE.

The ICORP of Iraq was wrong--just wrong, get it?-- from the outset. It was and is a world-class strategic blunder of the same magnitude as Napoleon's (or Hitler's) attack on Russia. Any 'victory' there would have been a 'victory' which the world would have been (and IS) entitled to view as EXACTLY the equivalent of the German 'victory' in Czechoslovakia in 1938, or the Japanese 'victory' over China in '37--or, for that matter, General Miles' "victory" at Wounded Knee in 1890.

The ICORP of Iraq was WRONG from the first fucking day. No amount of painted school buildings can redeem the fact that USer soldiers, Marines, and fliers every week kill and maim dozens, if not hundreds, of the very folk whom those fresh-painted schools are supposed to help. The blood oozes through, no matter the number of 'coats' of whitewash you apply.

The chaos we are witnessing today--religious/sectarian/factional civil war, revenge killings, ethnic cleansing, the (now almost certain) balkanization of the country, the wholesale destruction of infrastructure (other than the oil machinery), the rise of fanatic imams with their private armies, the growing influence of Iran, the confrontation with Turkey over a Kurdish state, to say nothing of the endemic graft/theft/corruption in both the occupation forces and the indigenes--were all entirely predictable (sheeeit, even I predicted them and I'm no fucking international specialist) already in April, 2003. No amount of tactical or strategic massaging the rhetorical equation would or could have erased the first fundamental flaw and failing: It was always, is now, and always will be an act of unfathomable, unwarranted, immoral, unjust, and illegal fucking AGGRESSION.

If you are 'civilized,' in even the most peripheral meaning of the word, you--"one"; that is, any putatively 'democratic' nation--don't just mount the biggest military assault in 50 years against a nation that 1) has done you no harm, 2) caused you no injury, 3) posed you no threat, and then a) slaughter their people wholesale with weapons of 'shock & awe', b) tear up their infrasturcture, c) depose their lawful ruler, d) execute his children, e) disrupt the entire civilian lifeworld, and under cover of the soi disant 'fog of war', f) torture, rape and murder their women and children, g) pilfer their treasures, and then h) install a puppet regime to facilitate their continued rip-off, and then claim to be on the side of the fucking ANGELS.

The Dumbocrap party hacks--basically the whole fucking party except Dennis Kucinich, and including Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, John Kerry, Jack Murtha, et alia--who cleave to this line are just a fucking guilty of the crimes in Iraq as the PNACabal, the Busheviks, and the rest of the GOPukes who promulgated this insane, illegal, immoral, invidious scheme in the first place.

I, a veteran of another, similar exercise in USer military adventurism 40 years ago, am appalled and ashamed of my country, all over again. Until/unless the Dumbocraps return to principle, they're no better than fucking murderous sycophants and enablers: disgusted--possibly even repelled--by the blood splattered on them by the victims, but willing to wash it off and get on with bidness; and I for one, want no part of 'em.

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