Tuesday, September 4, 2007

The Iraq Oil Law: Get It Signed, And Mohammed And All His Wives Can Go Pound Sand

All the complaints about the political inabilities of the Iraqi regime of the moment would vanish in an instant if the Malichi govt could get the so-called "Iraqi Oil Law" through the Parliament. This is the Iraqi legislation which, when passed, will stipulate to the conditions and institutions of collecting, allocating, and distributing the wealth of Iraq's oil, both domestically (in Iraq), and internationally, through the "global economy." Sounds pretty straight forward, innit? Who gets what? Why can't we all just get along?
Well, primarily, cuz it's not as simple as all that. From a source devoted to discussing the issue, IraqOilLaw.com:
According to the Bush Administration, the notion that the occupation of Iraq was a means to gain control over that country’s vast oil reserves is “nonsense” and “a myth.” However, in February, 2007, the proposed draft of a new law to structure Iraq’s oil industry was leaked, and it is now being considered by the Iraqi parliament. Several key features of the law would:
  • Allow two-thirds of Iraq’s oil fields to be developed by private oil corporations. In contrast, the oil industry has been nationalized in every other major Middle Eastern producer for over 30 years.
  • Place governing decisions over oil in a new body known as the Iraqi Federal Oil and Gas Council, which may include foreign oil companies;
  • Open the door for foreign oil companies to lock up decades-long deals now, when the Iraqi government is at its weakest.
Overall, the law would secure the agenda of ExxonMobil, Chevon, and the other majors, robbing the Iraqi people of their most basic source of wealth. Much is at stake. With 115 billion barrels of proven reserves ($7 trillion worth at $64 per barrel) and another 215 billion possible or likely ($14 trillion), there’s nearly a million dollars of oil for every Iraqi citizen. It’s a vast and precious national resource—but only if Iraqis are allowed to control it themselves.
CF: Jim Hightower, who tends to fulminate, but is relaible
also: Amy Goodman does a good job.
It is the "failure" by the Iraqi Parliament to pass this law that is what is at the root of all the complaints about the Malichi govt there.
The Busheviks talk about pacifiying, and cooperation, and development, and painting schools and having the Iraqis 'standing up', but all they really mean is "Sign on the dotted fucking line, Mohammed!" The Busheviks aren't really concerned about the security issue, except as it effects the exploitation of the oil.
Because it must be obvious to even the Busheviks that the 'inability' to pass the Oil Law is as much or more an act of resistance than an illustration of incompetence, Malichi'll be replaced soon enough w/somebody more able to do the will of the neo-colonizers. I still think Ahmad Chalabi--he of Judith Miller/NYT fame--if he lives, eventually will become the next Iraqi strongman.
That said, Allawi, they guy Malichi replaced, was reported to have executed 6 'insurgents' personally, on his first day as interim prime minister, a couple years ago. Search [Allawi Kills Prisoners]. Chalabi, on the face of it, appears to have some catching up to do, but I'm sure he's capable.
It won't matter a lick, if whosoever gets in there is able to do the bidding of DC/London and lock down the oil deal. Nothing else matters.
(Photo: The Beeb.)

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