Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Ruin Is The Fucking Rule, NOT The Fucking Exception!

Live right, do the right thing, get sick, and the country sez: Fuck YOU!

By Mike Stuckey, Senior news editor, MSNBC
Updated: 4:17 a.m. MT Aug 15, 2007
LOMPOC, Calif. - Kathleen Aldrich, financially ruined by two bouts with ovarian cancer, is not who you might assume she is.

She raised three kids as a single mom. She worked hard for years. She had good jobs. She paid her bills. She lived in a nice house and drove a nice car. She had a decent credit rating. She had health insurance.

Now she has a record of bankruptcy and is the embodiment of the fear that nags at millions of U.S. families: that they are but one medical calamity away from losing everything. Like Aldrich, they — and perhaps you — could be.

What Mike Moore said in Sicko: Fear--of losing insurance, mainly--is the primary way by which CorpoRat Murki exercises workplace discipline, keeping the workers happy to have ANY job that offers health insurance.

Cuz any working stiff in the country is only one serious illness away from complete and total ruin.


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