Monday, June 25, 2007


(sOTto voce:)




Opus Dei and the CorpoRats have staked an irrebuttable claim to OWN the SCROTUS...

The Bushevik SCROTUS today castrated the Endangered Species Act, McCain-Feingold, and strengthened the claims of the Fucktards that, "Tinker" notwithstanding, students do shed their rights at the school-house door...

The latter, of course, only confirms the various critical observers' claims that the primary curriculum of the schools is orthodoxy and the purpose is indoctrination...


There is no hope for liberty, for openness, for at least 20 years...or 'til syphillitic senility serendipitously overtakes the abysmal Uncle Thomas (though, as with Raygun, how would one tell?) Scalito played to form, and Roberts authored two of the majority decisions.

Under the penumbra of the doctrine of imprimatur...that speech-at-school carries the impress of the authority of the state?

I do not want to start on the EPA revision. Scalito? phagh!!!!

And it will be through these expedients--through packed courts and polluted agencies--that the Busheviks will continue to perpetrate their predations on the ability and the will of the People for self-governance long after their (presumptive) removal in 18 months.

The next regime, even if it were Dem, will not expunge the fascist sympathies embedded in the fundamental institutions of the Nation. That's the work of attrition...

If you pray, pray for John Paul Stevens...

Addendum @ 22:04, MDT: I was going to publish this as a comment at FDL, but was abashed, because i imagined it would likely be read/moderated as vulgar, or distracting, or something. It's what they call 'the chilling effect.'


  1. And so the experiment ends. 100+ years of corporate/religious nipping at the edges has evolved (consider the irony)into an upfront, in our face, blatant re-interpretation of our founding document.

    Kudos, Lamb, just found you via nocapital. Myself, I'm an old goat, well versed in my 2nd amendment rights, watching their wheels go round and taking pains to avoid their rolling over me!

  2. and they filleted the wall of seperation...
    all in a single day.
    these are huge decisions...
    personally, i'm a bigger fan of the tenth, in which all rights not specifically enumertated always already presumptively belong to the People, not to the State. sign of pre-apocalyptic radio on the mexican border...
