Wednesday, May 30, 2007

This Day in Peace: Congress Stops War Funding

May 31, 1955

The U.S. Supreme Court ordered (in a decision known as "Brown II") that school integration be done "with all deliberate speed," ordering the lower federal courts to require desegregation. Between 1955 and 1960, federal judges held more than 200 school desegregation hearings.

May 31, 1957

U.S. playwright Arthur Miller was convicted of contempt of Congress after refusing to reveal the names of alleged Communist writers.
May 31, 1966

May 31, 1966

Nguyen Thi Can, a 17-year-old Buddhist girl, committed suicide by setting herself afire (self-immolation) on a street in the city of Hue. She was protesting against the South Vietnamese regime; it was the fifth such death in three days.

May 31, 1973

A bipartisan majority (69-19) of the U.S. Senate voted to cut off funds for the bombing of Cambodia despite pleas from Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.

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