Friday, May 18, 2007

If I Weren't 'Banned" At Eschaton (I'm Beginning To Think It's Not A Glitch), I'da Posted This, Re: Wolfowitz

I bear not a chinchilla of sympathy for Wolfowitz, upon his firing by the World Bank.
His tenure at the Bank was bought by his credentials from the PNAC, of which he was a prominent Cabalista.
He will graduate from the World Bank to the boardrooms of numerous, neo-liberal/global corporations, notably those with important Israeli contacts.
He will no doubt be invited by Georgetown or GMU or one of the other 'beltway credential factories' to join the faculty, alongside the OTHER 'dumbest fucker on the planet,' douggie feith (another PNACabalista; foookin amazin' coincidence, n'est pas?), where he'll collect a fat salary for one or two courses a year...
He will undoubtedly hit the lecture circuit and, though he may not assemble the $16 MILLION Rudy Ghooliani has amassed from that source, he'll do just fine.
Shaha will be able to quit work, I'm sure.

In the longer view, nothing the Busheviks do is either incomprehensible or surprising when you have internalized one important fact: their one, and only, job since Jan 20, 2001, has been to attack and where at all possible to destroy the instruments and institutions of democratic republican self-governance in the USofA; to overturn the Constitution, and to undermine the faith and trust of the People in their own elected representatives.
Wolfie's career just another of their successes.
Mission Fucking Accomplished...


  1. We miss you at Atrios.

  2. Reading last night's comments was instructive. I didn't imagine there was so much hostility against me among the kings and queens of eschaton...

  3. Hi Woody! I'm so sorry you're not at Eschaton...although we disagree a lot, I think you're an absolute sweetheart. Can't Jeevan do anything to help you out?

  4. Madamab, dahlin, the problem is not, as i suspected all along, with haloscam, it is with mine host, duncan, who seems to be willing to single me out for bad behavior, perhaps as a lesson to the rest of yuz: if i can freeze out a semi-popular commenter of 4 years' seniority, i can screw up anybody...

  5. WGG--has Atrios indicated to you that he banned you? WTF for?

    Miss ya.

  6. Uh, think it was the Falwell comment--after A-Man indicated he was going to take a restrained angle on his death? Hhhmmm....

  7. I wasn't too concerned about Wolfowitz's future. I agree with you. He'll probably rake it in on the lecture circuit.

    I haven't been commenting at Eschaton for some time. Haven't been reading, either. Haven't you been banned before? Perhaps, Atrios will suspend your banishment, soon.

    Cheers, dude!
