Wednesday, May 16, 2007

If I weren't 'banned' by the webmaster at Eschaton,

due to a 'technicality,' I would have posted this:

After watching frontline last night, I am now even more certain than ever I was before that 'they' have ways to discover who says what to whom, any time they want to. And that they mean to fundamentally change the nature of the discourse on the internet...'They' mean to control it as a means of democratic communication....

By extension, of course, this means they are actively using every resource and every tool they have--which, you'll learn as you consider Frontline, are formidable, and are mainly the products of PRIVATE ENTERPRISE--to accrue more and more opportunity and power to impose the chill of self-censorship...

What happens to the country, to dissent, to liberty, when you can no longer shout "FUCK YOU" at the oligarchs and plutocrats??? We are about to find out, as long as dissatisfaction with and disaffection from the Regime grows.

The crime of 'lese majeste' is the only onforgiveable sin to the autocrats and demogogues...the web provided a way to do that in the most detrimental way: through mockery. The mob annot be allowed to be SOOOO democratic...

You need to watch that frontline and follow the links.

And don't forget while you're watching it that you're watching the (necessarily) sanitized version of it...

There is a link between the civility fascists and the data miners...

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