Monday, April 16, 2007

Men Weep...Of Course They Do

At the Eschaton crack-den, in the wake of a difficult, emotional day, the question came up. This was my reply:

i'm a man, and i have wept...bitterly...

over lost love and disappointed
passion, mostly, i suppose--those most selfish tears;
at the death of parents and, lately,
all the more often, friends, of years...
at the health of my nephew;
at the recovery of my wife;
at the death of any number of good dogs...

...................................................i even fog
up at the climax and denoument
of well-made plays,
whether cinematic, dramatic, or operatic...

I am a man and I know how to weep.
But I 'husband' my tears,
lest they overwhelm me...



  1. It can overwhelm you and you can come out on the otherside -- albeit completely changed.

  2. Very moving and appropriate, WGG.

  3. You leave me weepy, WWG. Even though I'm a broad, not so easy to do.
    -- Sparkle Plenty
